Theory of Moral Development
Lawrence Kohlberg
Principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.
The thinking processes involved in judgments about questions of right and wrong.
Moral Reasoning
Levels of Moral Development
Pre conventional
Post Conventional
Stages of Moral Development
- Obedience and punishment orientation
- Instrumental orientation
- Good boy and nice girl orientation
- Law and order orientation
- Social contract orientation
- Universal Ethical principal orientation
Change Theory
Kurt Lewin
Three-stage model of change that has come to be known as the ____
The initial stage of change involves recognizing the need for change and breaking away from old habits.
Unfreezing: Becoming motivated to change
Is the shift of behavior toward a new and more healthful pattern.
Change: Movement
the final stage where new behavior becomes
habitual, which includes developing a new self-concept & identity and establishing new interpersonal relationship.
Refreezing Making the change permanent
are forces that influence a situation,
pushing in a particular direction: they tend to initiate a change and keep it going.
Driving forces
are forces that act to restrain or decrease the driving forces– they make it difficult to
move a change forward.
Restraining forces
the status quo or the present level of
productivity and can be disrupted or fortified by changes in the relationship between the driving and the restraining forces.
General Systems Theory
Von Bertalanffy
organizations that are open to their environment
Open systems