Known Study Deck II Flashcards
Besides the Fire Chief, who is authorized to initiate the recall of off-duty fire department members in case of emergencies?
IC, The Duty Chief, Any Chief Officer or all of the above?
all of the above
The backside of a building is referred to as ___________
Who is responsible for maintaining a complete inventory of all Department SCBA?
Shift SCBA technician
All personnel working in a hazard area requiring the use of SCBA shall wear and use a logged-in PASS device. T or F
The _______ may delegate certain individuals to make purchases of medical supplies from time to time.
-Fire Chief, Medical Officer, Training Officer, or Health & Safety Officer?
Medical Officer
Any employee who qualifies for and willingly seeks rehabilitation may also be subject to discipline for drug or alcohol dependency. T or F
Who is the fire supervisor to immediately notify whenever a employee’s “fitness for duty” is in question?
Duty Chief
Who shall be responsible for using the level of PPE appropriate to the degree of potential hazard they may be exposed to?
-Training Officer, Health & Safety Officer, Medical Officer, or Individual Member?
Individual Member
The “Quid Pro Quo” type of sexual harassment can only be committed by someone in the city structure who has the power to control the victims employment. T or F
The department reserves the right to require a drug and alcohol screening test immediately after an on the job accident or incident. T or F
How many steps are in an Incident Action Plan (IAP)?
Who is responsible for the strategic direction of Division and Group Supervisors?
Branch Directors
In the case of customer complaints, if a complaint alleges serious misconduct, who is to be notified immediately?
Battalion Chief
Any juror or witness fees pain to an employee for the performance of their duties as a juror or witness in a case relating to their job with the city belongs to the employee. T or F
A member calling in sick shall not work under their outside work permit for the following24-hour period after his/her shift taken as Sick leave. T or F
When an incident is multi-jurisdictional, resources are best managed under the EOC. T or F
A Point of contact (POC) person at the Bremerton Fire Department shall be designated by the Fire Chief to ensure that inoculations are kept current with the department of Emergency Management. T or F
Once a draft policy comes from the individual or committee assigned to research and input, it is submitted to a staff meeting from review. This process is limited to a _____ time frame.
15 Day
Personal communication devices will be allowed in the field under emergency or non-emergency conditions. T or F
Employees on promotional probation will be evaluated quarterly. T or F
Fire watch shall be provided during hot work activities and shall continue for a minimum of _____ minutes after the conclusion of the work.
Who serves as the default Safety Officer?
Incident Commander
What is the maximum accrual of vacation leave that a shift employee or more than 5 years continuous employment can carry forward from one calendar year to the next?
If an inappropriate internet site is accessed by accident, it is to be reported verbally or by telephone to your supervisor immediately. T or F
False (In Writing)
What is the target time frame for the completion of investigations of customer compliments?
30 days
Generally, the agency administrator having jurisdictional responsibility for the incident makes the decision to establish an Area Command. T or F
The Department is not obligated to follow progressive discipline in cases of sexual harassment. T or F
Whose responsibility is it to remain current on Directives and SOP/SOG/FOG’s
Each individual
The frequency of safety meetings shall be determined by the Safety Committee, but shall not be less than _____ per calendar quarter.
1 hour
An Incident Commander needs to evaluate the situation and strategy every _____ minutes.
As an incident escalates and additional ranking officers arrive on the scene, the Command Organization may be expanded through the involvement of Officers as well as Staff Personnel to fill Command and General Staff positions. T or F
An applicant must achieve a total score of _____ or more on each portion of the exam to be placed on the eligible register for a promotional exam.
_______ shall not be granted to a member who is working a shift trade.
-Vacation time, overtime, comp time, or Both A and C
Vac or Comp
Whose responsibility is it to ensure that rescue operations are conducted within the limitations established by Department policy?
-Ops Chief, Training Chief, Batt Chief, or All of the above
All of the above
At a minimum, thermal imaging camera batteries should be replaced after _____ months.
36 months
If the risk is too great, because of inadequate resources or potential hazards, we should perform aggressive intervention from a/an ______position in an attempt to accomplish the same benefit we would achieve from a/an _______ attack.
Defensive / offensive
Accounting for the expectations of loss, based on the probability and severity of loss is _______.
-risk, risk assessment, risk management, or none of the above.
Risk Management
Communication of safety-related information is critical and must be delivered in a one-way fashion by the Incident Safety Officer. T or F
In multi-story occupancies, divisions are designated by the floor number. T or F
One of the responsibilities of the Safety Committee is ensuring compliance with Safety Directives. T or F
Following an accident investigation, the Health and Safety Officer will be responsible for implementing any corrective actions adopted by the Safety Committee. T or F
SOG 5-04 3.2 states “….action adopted by the Fire Chief”.
Each credit card holder is responsible for completing a reconciliation of purchases and receipts for each month. T or F
When incidents are of different types and/or do not have similar resource demands, they are usually handled as separate incidents or are coordinated through a/an ___________
Emergency Operations Center
What is the maximum number of hours compensatory time a shift employee may accumulate?
All new drivers shall be evaluated by a minimum or ______ evaluators.
All contaminated or potentially contaminated lined used for patient transports shall be exchanged at Harborview Hospital. T or F
What is the minimum amount of overtime compensation an employee will receive for a call back?
2 hours
Shift and/or Kelly Day exchanges in excess of ____ per calendar year require the approval of the Fire Chief or designee.
On the Class A regulation dress uniform, a service emblem in the form of a Maltese Cross will be worn on the left sleeve for each _____ years of service in all fire departments.
Each employee who is required to wear a uniform shall receive an annual uniform cleaning allowance of _______.
When operating in hazardous areas, team leaders shall account for all team members at what times?
Upon entry, while operating within, prior to exiting, and immediately upon exiting.
What is the name given to a tactical assignment to address a situation where there is no report of any occupants?
Primary Search
Employees may only be force-hired one rank below their current rank. T or F
Which type of radio call enables he sender to momentarily interrupt for an important message?
Priority Message
What is the name of the team that the Incident Commander has the option to assign initially when sufficient personnel are not on scene?
Stand-by Team
_______ shall be established at the scene of every incident.
The Incident Command System
A safety inspection of each Bremerton Fire Department facility shall be conducted _________.
Personnel shall only use the SCBA make, model, and face piece size for which they have been trained to use, successfully performance tested, and fit tested with the past _______ months.
What is the name of the physical area of a roadway within which emergency personnel perform work-related tasks?
Traffic Work Zone
For the purpose of hiring overtime, the following staff levels shall be maintained: 1 BC or ABC, 3 company officers or ACO’s, and 3 paramedics with a total of _______ on duty each day as a minimum.
In an attempt to protect a work zone and using the guidelines found in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, traffic cones should be placed at least ______ feet before the work zone.
The Exclusion Zone is the innermost control zone established that surrounds the immediate hazard area, specifically to encompass the hazard as a means to safeguard unprotected personnel outside the control zone. T or F
In order to be eligible to take the Fire Station Captain’s exam, an applicant must have completed how many years with the BFD as a Fire Lieutenant?
Personnel wishing to modify, alter, or substitute SCBA components need the written approval of the Fire Chief and _________
To improve listening skills a supervisor should…
Understand that the penalties for not listening may be long range and impact on your own credibility as a supervisor.
Not all CENCOM frequencies are recorded so it is acceptable to use non-recorded frequencies to transmit personal massages between units. T or F
Risk management includes:
Ensuring that personnel are accounted for.
The _______ of firefighting personnel represents the major reason for establishing Divisions or Groups.
Which of the following pre-incident planning indicators includes information relating to previous fires, structural collapses and renovations?
Building History
If an employees sick leave balance falls below _______ hours, the administration shall review the records and may rescind the permit to perform off-duty work.
It may be necessary to assign a/an ______ to oversee the safety or personnel who are working on patients within the vehicles themselves.
Who is responsible for managing the facilities safety inspection program?
Health and Safety Officer
________ Life safety harnesses shall be used by firefighters to attach themselves to aerial apparatus.
Class 1
Who is responsible for ensuring that all applicable personnel have been properly trained in the use and care of all hearing protectors provided in the workplace?
Training Officer