2015 Study Guide Flashcards
For BFD promotional exams, how much weight does the written exam carry?
Which type of radio call enables the sender to momentarily interrupt for an important message?
Priority Traffic
In most cases, an occupational injury or illness should be reported within ___ hours after the incident which caused injury?
24 hours
The occupational injury or illness report should be sent to given to the _________?
Safety Officer
What is the name given to an organizational directive that establishes a standard course or action?
SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)
Following an accident investigation, the Health and Safety Officer will be responsible for implementing any corrective action adopted by the Fire Chief. True or False?
Ref: 5.04 paragraph 3.4
Employees on probation will be evaluated how often?
What would be a reason to use a multi-branch structure?
When number of Groups/Divisions exceed recommended span of control.
EOC oversees management of the incident and coordinates support functions and provides resources. True or False?
First step when a problem becomes evident with an employee?
Supervisor Contact Form
In multi-story occupancies, divisions are designated by the floor number. True or False?
___ is responsible for all visitors and personnel in station.
Station Officer
Which steps would be included in the assessment phase of the risk assessment model?
1 and 2
- Identify Hazards and
- Assess Hazards
Who is responsible for the strategic direction of Division and Group Supervisors?
Branch Directors
Customer Complaint; How many days to resolve?
If serious misconduct, notify whom?
30 days
Battalion Chief
When an incident is multi-jurisdictional, resources are best managed under EOC or Area Command?
Area Command
A P.O.C. (Point of Contact) person at the BFD shall be designated by the Fire Chief to ensure that inoculations are kept current with DEM. True or False?
Medical Officer
Fire Watch shall be provided during hot work activities and shall continue for a minimum of ___ minutes after the conclusion of work?
30 minutes
Who serves as the default Safety Officer?
Incident Commander
One of the responsibilities of the safety committee is ensuring compliance with safety directives. True or False?
PPE intervals shall not exceed ___ months?
3 months
Accident records are kept for ___ years?
7 years
Any sexual harassment complaints will be investigated in a fair and impartial manner by the City Attorney? True or False?
Human Resource manager or an outside consultant experienced in handling such investigations
At a minimum, TIC batteries should be replaced after ____ months of service?
36 months
In Wildland Firefighting, “Fire can generally be attacked at the head or flank by persons using hand tools. Handline should hold the fire.” Flame length? 0-4, 4-8, or 8-11 feet?
0-4 feet in length
SOG 6-04
In Wildland Firefighting “Fires are too intense for direct attack on the head by persons using hand tools. Handlines cannot be relied on to hold fire. Equipment such as dozers and retardent aircraft can be effective.” Flame length? 0-4, 4-8, or 8-11 feet?
4-8 feet in length.
SOG 6-04
In Wildland Firefighting “Fires may present serious control problems. Control efforts at the head of he fire will probably be ineffective”. Flame length? 0-4,4-8, or 8-11 feet?
8-11 feet in length
SOG 6-04
Puget Sound Clean Air Agency and City of Bremerton only allow for recreational fires ___ feet in diamter and ___ feet in height?
3 feet diameter and 2 feet in height
Recreational fires shall not be conducted within ___ feet of a structure or combustible material?
25 feet
Recreational fires are allowed to be within ___ feet if confined in a perimeter of brick, concrete, rock, or other noncombustible material.
15 feet
Who is required to complete scheduled training?
Company officers
Company officers are responsible for submitting their quarterly assignment sheets to their shift Captain by the ___ of the month following the end of the quarter.
Actual cost of laundry service is an allowable expense when employees are required to be away from the City for more than ___ days at one time or the conditions under which they are required to work while away from the City creates a more than normal need for such service.
6 days
Place traffic cones at least ___ feet before the work zone in accordance with guidelines as established in MUTCD.
200 feet
The physical area of a roadway within which emergency personnel perform work-related tasks to include fire, EMS, and rescue tasks at a vehicle-related incident.
Traffic Work Zone
When working near energized electrical wires, the operator shall maintain a minimum ___ foot clearance between the wires and any part of the aparatus.
17 feet
SOG 5-13 4.17
All fire apparatus over ___ GVW shall utilize wheel chocks when parked outside of station facilities.
All personnel riding on department apparatus shall be seated and secured to the vehicle with seat belts any time the apparatus is in motion. True or False?
Ropes and attachments use to hoist hose in the hose towers shall have a breaking strength of ___ lbs, and a safe load strength of ___lbs. What is the safety factor?
1500lbs, 300lbs.
five to one safety factor
Who is responsible for initiating corrective measures for any unsafe condition or practice within their assigned facility?
Station Officers
Who shall be responsible for ensuring appropriate resolution to any unsafe condition or practices discovered during inspection?
The Department Health and Safety Officer
Bremerton Fire Department shall conduct safety inspections for each Department facility how often?
SOG 5-11 2.5
Personnel may refuse infectious disease control immunizations? True or False?
Personnel shall not alter, modify, or substitute any components of SCBA without written approval of ___ and ___.
MSA and the Fire Chief
Who maintains a complete inventory of all Department SCBA?
Firefighter/Shift SCBA Technician
How often do personnel need to be fit tested for their SBCA?
12 months
What class of life harness shall be used by firefighters to attach themselves to aerial apparatus?
Class 1 life safety harness
Are station/work uniforms recognized as protective clothing?
SOG 5-07 4.1
What shall be worn when engaged in fire fighting and/or any other situation where thermal injuries to the head and face may occur?
Protective hoods
Who shall have overall responsibility for administering the Departments Hazard Communication Program?
The Health & Safety Officer
Following an accident investigation, the ___ will be responsible for implementing any corrective actions adopted by the Fire Chief.
The Health & Safety Officer
Safety meetings shall not be held less than ___ per calendar ___?
1 hour per calendar quarter
Employees who complete a rehabilitation program may be re-tested randomly ______ for the following ___ months following entry into rehablilitation.
Once every quarter for the following 24 months
Upon completion of a rehabilitation program on their own initiative, the employee will be subject to ___ random test during the following ___ months.
One random test during the following 12 months
Moustaches shall not extend below ___ below corner of mouth or ___ from corner of the mouth.
3/4”, 3/4”
Moustaches shall be kept neatly trimmed and tidy and will not extend over ___ from the top edge of the upper lip.
Union leave must be applied for ___ hours in advance of the leave taking place.
14 hours
An applicant for promotional tests must achieve a total score of ___ % or more to be placed on the eligible register for the position.
For scheduled appointments using S/L, the employee shall give at least ___ hours prior notice of the date and time of the appointment to his or her immediate supervisor.
72 hours
Overtime duration in length of less than ___ hours shall be assigned at the discretion of the Battalion Chief or Acting Battalion Chief.
4 hours
In the event an employee who has left the workplace is called back to duty for a period of time which is less than two hours, the employee shall receive a minimum of ___ hours of overtime compensation.
2 hours
A non-shift employee may accumulate up to ___ hours and a shift employee may employee may accumulate up to ___ of compensatory time.
209 hours
275 hours
Shift and/or Kelly Day exchanges in excess of ___ per calendar year require the prior approval of the Fire Chief.
Can an employee who qualifies for and who willingly seeks rehabilitation be disciplined for drug and alcohol dependency?
4.7 Drugs and Alcohol in the workplace
A supervisor who feels that an employee may not be fit for duty shall notify; HR Duty Chief City Attorney Fire Chief
Duty Chief
Employees taking prescription medication which could impair job performance shall discuss medication side effects with thier supervisor prior to beginning of the work day. True or False
Are supervisors responsible for diagnosis, providing therapy or being police officers when an employees “Fitness for duty” is in question?
Name the 6 groups designated for recall of off-duty employees.
- All BFD members
- All BFD Duty Chiefs
- BFD “A” Shift
- BFD “B” Shift
- BFD “C” Shift
- BFD Paramedics
If an inappropriate internet site is accessed by accident it is to be reported___ to your supervisor immediately.
In Writing
Each credit card holder will be responsible for completing a reconciliation of purchases and receipts how often?
Each month
Who may delegate certain individuals to make purchases of medical supplies from time to time?
The Medical Officer
SOP 1-14
A service emblem is the form of the Maltese cross will be worn on the left sleeve for each ___ years of service in all fire departments.
5 years
All personal noisy work will be completed by ___ in the fire station
21:00 9pm
SOP 1-12
Personal work is allowed weekdays after ___ to ___ hours
17:00 to 22:00
SOP 1-12
If a member calls in sick for their regular shift assignment, they shall not work at their off-duty job for ____ following their regular shift assignment?
24-hour period
SOP 1-07
If an employees sick leave balance falls below ____ hours, the administration shall review the records and may rescind the work permit.
72 hours
Directive Bulletins (Temporary notices) shall be in effect for a period not to exceed ____ months?
6 months
All station uniforms shall meet the requirements as specified in the 1994 edition of NFPA 1975. True or False?
Vacation selections which have been approved may be changed by a phone call to the Shift Supervisor. True or False?
The Quid Pro Quo type of Sexual Harassment can only be committed by someone in the city structure who has the power to control the victims employment. True or False?
How many steps are in the IAP?
In the case of customer complaints, if a complainant alleges serious misconduct, who is to be notified immediately?
Batt Chief
Any juror or witness fees paid to an employee for the performance of their duties as a juror or witness in a case relating to their jobs with city belong to the employee. True or False?
Whose responsibility is it to ensure that rescue operations are conducted within the limitation established by department policy? Ops Chief Training Chief Battalion Chief All of the Above
All of the above.
SOG 6-03 3.1
The backside of a building is referred to as the ___ side.
C Charlie
Employees on promotional probation will be evaluated quarterly. True or False?
What is the maximum accrual of vacation leave for a shift employee of more than five years continuous employment?
If an inappropriate web site is accessed by accident, it is to be reported verbally or by telephone to your supervisor immediately. True or False?
False. (In writing)
What is the target time frame for the completion of investigations of customer complaints?
30 days
LOEFF 1 employees shall have his/her sick leave use of sick leave pay limited to ___ shifts for a shift employee of sick leave pay for each personal or work-related sick leave absence.
Who’s responsibility is it to remain current on Directives and SOP/SOG/FOG’s?
Each Individual
An IC needs to evaluate the situation and strategy every \_\_\_ minutes? 5 10 15 30
10 minutes
As an incident escalates and additional ranking officers arrive on scene, the Command Organization may be expanded through the involvement of Officers as well as Staff Personnel to fill command and general staff positions. True or False?
\_\_\_ Shall not be granted to a member who is working a shift trade? A. Vacation B. Overtime C Comp Time D. Both A and C
D. Both A and C
If the risk is too great because of inadequate resources or potential hazards, we should perform an aggressive intervention from a ____ position in an attempt to accomplish the same benefit we would achieve from an ___ position.
Defensive, Offensive
Accounting for the expectation of loss, based on the probability and severity of loss is; A. Risk B. Risk Assessment C. Risk Management D. None of the above
C. Risk Management
Process through which employee may become eligible for any unused K-day?
When incidents are of different types and/or do not have similar resource demands they are usually handled as separate incidents or are coordinated through a/an; A. Area Command B. Unified Area Command C. Emergency Operations Center D. None of the Above
C. Emergency Operations Center
All new drivers shall be evaluated by a minimum of ___ evaluators.
All contaminated or potentially contaminated linen used for patient transport shall be exchanged at Harborview Hospital. True or False?
On a class A regulation dress uniform, a service emblem in the form of a maltese cross will be worn on the left sleeve for every ___ years of service.
Each employee who is required to wear a uniform shall receive an annual uniform cleaning allowance of ___ ?
When operating in hazard areas, team leaders shall account for all team members; A. Upon Entry B. While operating within C. Prior to exiting D. Immediately upon exiting E. All of the above
E. All of the above
How long will the Fire Department preserve investigation records and reports, photographic material, audio/video recordings or other documentation concerning an accident?
7 years
What is the name given to a tactical assignment to address a situation where there is no report of any occupants?
Primary Search
What is the name of the team that the IC has the option to assign initially when sufficient personnel aren’t on scene?
What shall be established at the scene of every incident?
The Incident Command System or ICS
A member shall not accept an OT shift that requires them to work in excess of ___ continuous hours.
Ultimate MCI authority lies within the Kitsap County D.E.M.. True or False?
What is the name of the Hazard Control Zone where the Incident Command Post is located?
Cold Zone
How often are SCBA fit tests required?
12 months
Who is responsible for establishing and maintaining personnel accountability throughout an incident’s duration?
Incident Commander
Individual responders fulfill their part of effective risk management by doing what?
Ensuring they’re entered into the accountability system
Maintaining and making available to employees MSDS forms and manuals is part of what BFD program?
Hazard Communication Program
On which type of leave may an employee be placed for reasons in the best interest of the City and/or the employee?
Admin Leave
The Occupational injury or illness report should be sent or given to the ___
Safety Officer
Vacation selections by seniority for the following year start when?
Dec 1 (Nov 1 according to new policy)
What acronym helps the team leader to remember what info should be included in a status report to the IC?
CAN (Blue Card)
Personnel may not refuse infectious disease control immunizations? True or False?
What is the name given to an organizational directive that establishes a standard course of action?
Safety assessment is ___ and must be part of all ongoing decision-making?
Which of the Incident Management positions will only be activated at a MCI level 5.
Medical Branch Director
Is it permissible for drivers of medic units to operate their vehicle without being seat-belted. True or False
Department SCBA may also be used as an underwater device. T or F?
What is the name given to a document which carries the weight of a SOP/SOG/FOG for a period not to exceed 6 months?
Directives Bulletin
All time off for bereavement leave in excess of ___ hours shall be charged against an employees vacation/holiday, sick, or comp time leave balance at the option of the employee.
The primary factor to consider when choosing an assignment progression is; what assignment will best provide for the safety of the firefighters assigned to the IDLH environment. T or F?
What best describes Risk Management?
Once a risk is identified, the risk can be managed.
___ shall be worn while engaged in firefighting or where thermal injuries to the head/face may occur.
Protective Hoods
Is it acceptable to use a non-recorded Cen-Com frequency to transmit personal messages?
Risk Management includes what?
Ensuring personnel are accounted for
The ___ of firefighting personnel represents the major reason for establishing Divisions or Groups.
Which of the pre-incident planning indicators include info relating to previous fires, structural collapse and renovations?
Building History
What is the name given to a walk-around inspection of a vehicle before it is driven?
Circle of Safety
Personnel shall be tested at least ___ in the donning and use of SCBA?
It may be necessary to assign a/an ___ to oversee the safety of personnel who are working on patients within the vehicles themselves.
The supervisor should always discuss areas of unsatisfactory job performance when?
As soon as the problem becomes evident
Who is responsible for managing the facilities safety inspection program?
Health and Safety Officer
Emergency vehicle drivers may exercise the legal exemptions granted to emergency vehicles using either visual signals or audible signals. T or F?
What is the name given to a team assigned by the IC when the IC opts to not assign a RIT team?
Stand-by Team
On Deck Team in Blue Card
What type of debriefing is held after the unit has returned to the station?
An employee may be subject to immediate discipline, which may result in termination, if it is discovered that they have reported to work with a B.A.C of _________ or higher.
Who is responsible for the collection and storage of records pertaining to the health and safety of FD employees?
Safety Officer