Klingon Words Part 4 Flashcards
wanI’ (n)
phenomenon, event, occurrence (n)
waq (n)
shoe (n)
waQ (v)
obstruct (v)
watlh (v)
be pure (v)
wav (v)
divide (v)
waw’ (n)
base (military term) (n)
wa’ (num)
one (num)
wa’DIch (num)
first (num)
wa’Hu’ (n)
yesterday (n)
wa’leS (n)
tomorrow (n)
wa’logh (adv)
once (adv)
wa’maH (num)
ten (num)
wa’maHDIch (num)
tenth (num)
web (v)
be disgraced (v)
wegh (v)
confine (v)
weH (v)
raid (v)
wej (adv)
not yet (adv)
wej (num)
three (num)
wejDIch (num)
third (num)
wejpuH (excl)
charming (used only ironically) (excl)
wem (v)
violate (v)
wem (n)
violation (n)
wep (n)
jacket, coat (n)
weQ (n)
candle (n)
wew (v)
glow (v)
wIb (v)
be sour, be bitter, be tart (v)
wIch (n)
myth (n)
wIgh (n)
genius (n)
wIH (v)
be ruthless (v)
wIj (v)
farm (v)
wIv (n)
choice (n)
wIv (v)
choose, select (v)
wIy (n)
tactical display (n)
woD (v)
throw away (v)
woH (v)
pick up (v)
woj (n)
radiation (n)
woj choHwI’ (n)
reactor (n)
woQ (n)
authority, political power (n)
woS (n)
chin (n)
wot (n)
verb (n)
wov (v)
be light, bright (v)
wo’ (n)
empire (n)
wuq (v)
decide, decide upon (v)
wuQ (v)
have a headache (v)
wuS (n)
lip (n)
wutlh (n)
underground (n)
wuv (v)
depend on, rely on (v)
ya (n)
tactical officer (n)
yab (n)
mind, brain (n)
yach (v)
pet, stroke (v)
yaD (n)
toe (n)
yagh (n)
organism (n)
yaH (n)
duty station, station (n)
yaH (v)
be taken away (v)
yaj (v)
understand (v)
yajHa’ (v)
misinterpret (v)
yap (v)
be enough, sufficient (v)
yaS (n)
officer (n)
yav (n)
ground (n)
yay (n)
victory, triumph (n)
yay’ (v)
be shocked, dumbfounded (v)
yej (n)
assembly, council (n)
yejquv (n)
High Council (n)
yem (v)
sin (v)
yep (v)
be careful (v)
yepHa’ (v)
be careless (v)
yeq (v)
cooperate (v)
yev (v)
pause (v)
yIb (n)
vent (n)
yIH (n)
tribble (n)
yIn (n)
life (n)
yIn (v)
live (v)
yInroH (n)
life signs (n)
yIntagh (n)
life-support system (n)
yIntagh (excl)
(epithet) (excl)
yIQ (v)
be wet (v)
yIt (v)
walk (v)
yIv (v)
chew (v)
yIvbeH (n)
tunic (n)
yob (v)
harvest (v)
yoD (n)
shield (n)
yoD (v)
shield (v)
yoH (v)
be brave (v)
yoj (n)
judgment (n)
yol (n)
conflict (n)
yon (v)
be satisfied (v)
yonmoH (v)
satisfy (v)
yong (v)
get in (v)
yopwaH (n)
pants (n)
yoq (n)
humanoid (n)
yoS (n)
district, area (n)
yot (v)
invade (v)
yot (n)
invasion (n)
yotlh (n)
field (of land) (n)
yov (v)
charge (military term) (v)
yoy (v)
be upside down (v)
yo’ (n)
fleet (of ships) (n)
yuch (n)
chocolate (n)
yuD (v)
be dishonest (v)
yuDHa’ (v)
be honest (v)
yupma’ (n)
festival (n)
yuQ (n)
planet (n)
yuQHom (n)
planetoid (n)
yuQjIjDIvI’ (n)
United Federation of Planets (n)
yuQjIjQa’ (n)
United Federation of Planets (n)
yuv (v)
push (v)
yu’ (v)
question, interrogate (v)
yu’egh (n)
wave (n)
a (conj)
but, nevertheless, even so, however (conj)
ach (conj)
but, nevertheless, even so, however (conj)
aD (n)
vein (n)
aH (n)
paraphernalia (n)
aj (n)
admiral (n)
ang (v)
show, reveal (v)
ar question
how many? how much? question
argh (v)
worsen (v)
av (v)
guard (v)
avwI’ (n)
guard (n)
aw’ (v)
sting (v)
ay’ (n)
section, part, component, piece (n)
eb (n)
opportunity, chance, opening (n)
ech (n)
brigadier (n)
eH (excl)
ready (excl)
ej (conj)
and (joining sentences) (conj)
ejDo’ (n)
starship, starship class (n)
ejyo’ (n)
Starfleet (n)
ejyo’waw’ (n)
starbase (n)
el (v)
enter, go in (v)
elas (n)
Elas (n)
eng (n)
cloud (n)
er (n)
type of animal (n)
et (n)
fore (n)
etlh (n)
sword, blade (n)
evnagh (n)
subspace (n)
e’ (pro)
that (previous topic) (pro)
IH (v)
be beautiful, handsome (v)
Ij (v)
listen (v)
Il (v)
be sincere (v)
Ip (n)
oath (n)
Ip (v)
vow, swear (v)
IQ (v)
be sad (v)
ISjaH (n)
calendar (n)
It (v)
be depressed (v)
Itlh (v)
be advanced, highly developed (v)
Iv (n)
altitude (n)
Iw (n)
blood (n)
och (n)
tunnel, conduit (n)
oD (v)
arbitrate, mediate (v)
ogh (v)
invent, devise (v)
oH (pro)
it (pro)
oj (v)
be thirsty (v)
ol (v)
verify (v)
ong (v)
be cunning, sly (v)
orghen (n)
Organia (n)
orghen rojmab (n)
Organian Peace Treaty (n)
orghenya’ (n)
Organia (n)
orghenya’ rojmab (n)
Organian Peace Treaty (n)
orghenya’ngan (n)
Organian (n)
orghengan (n)
Organian (n)
oS (v)
represent (v)
oSwI’ (n)
emissary (n)
otlh (n)
photon (n)
ov (v)
compete (v)
oy’ (v)
ache, hurt, be sore (v)
oy’ (n)
ache, pain, sore (n)
oy’naQ (n)
painstick (n)
o’ (n)
aft (n)
ugh (v)
be heavy (v)
uH (v)
have a hangover, be hung over (v)
um (v)
be qualified (v)
uQ (n)
dinner (n)
ur (v)
commit treason (v)
urmang (n)
treason (n)
urwI’ (n)
traitor (n)
uS (n)
leg (n)
ut (v)
be essential, necessary (v)
uy (v)
press down (v)
uy’ (num)
million (num)
u’ (n)
universe (n)