Klingon Words Part 1 Flashcards
bach (v)
shoot (v)
bach (n)
shot (n)
bagh (v)
tie (v)
baH (v)
fire (torpedo, rocket, missile) (v)
baHwI’ (n)
gunner (n)
bang (n)
love, one who is loved (n)
baQa’ (excl)
general invective (excl)
baS (n)
metal (n)
batlh (n)
honor, concept of honor (n)
batlh (adv)
honored, with honor (adv)
bav (v)
orbit (v)
ba’ (v)
sit (v)
bech (v)
suffer (v)
begh (n)
deflectors (n)
beH (n)
rifle (n)
bej (v)
watch (v)
bel (v)
be pleased (v)
bel (n)
pleasure (n)
belHa’ (v)
be displeased (v)
ben (n)
years ago, years old (n)
bep (n)
agony (n)
bep (v)
complain, object, gripe (v)
beq (n)
crew, crewman (n)
beQ (v)
be flat (v)
bergh (v)
be irritable (v)
betleH (n)
type of hand weapon (n)
be’Hom (n)
girl (n)
be’nal (n)
wife (n)
be’nI’ (n)
sister (n)
bID (n)
half (n)
bIghHa’ (n)
prison, jail (n)
bIH (pro)
they, them (incapable of language) (pro)
bIj (v)
punish (v)
bIng (n)
area below, area under (n)
bIp (num)
hundred thousand (num)
bIQ (n)
water (n)
bIQtIq (n)
river (n)
bIQ’a’ (n)
ocean (n)
bIr (v)
be cold (v)
bIreQtagh (n)
bregit lung (n)
bIt (v)
be nervous, uneasy (v)
bIv (v)
break (rules) (v)
bobcho’ (n)
module (n)
boch (v)
shine, be shiny (v)
bogh (v)
be born (v)
boH (v)
be impatient (v)
boj (v)
nag (v)
bong (adv)
accidentally, by accident (adv)
boq (n)
alliance, bloc, coalition (n)
boQ (n)
aid, assistance (n)
boQ (n)
aide (n)
boQ (v)
assist (v)
boQDu’ (n)
aide-de-camp (n)
bortaS (n)
revenge (n)
boS (v)
collect (v)
bot (v)
prevent, block, prohibit (v)
botlh (n)
center, middle (n)
bov (n)
era (n)
bo’DIj (n)
court (n)
buD (v)
be lazy (v)
bup (v)
quit (v)
buQ (v)
threaten (v)
burgh (n)
stomach (n)
buS (v)
concentrate on, focus on, think only about (v)
butlh (n)
dirt under fingernails (n)
buv (n)
classification (n)
buv (v)
classify (v)
bu’ (n)
sergeant (n)
cha (n)
torpedoes (n)
chab (n)
pie, tart, dumpling (n)
chach (n)
emergency (n)
chagh (v)
drop (v)
chaH (pro)
they, them (capable of using language) (pro)
chal (n)
sky (n)
chamwI’ (n)
technician (n)
chap (n)
back (of hand) (n)
chaq (adv)
perhaps (adv)
chargh (v)
conquer (v)
chav (v)
achieve (v)
chav (n)
achievement (n)
chaw’ (v)
allow, permit (v)
chaw’ (n)
permit (n)
chay’ question
how? question
cha’ (v)
show, display (picture) (v)
cha’ (num)
two (num)
cha’DIch (num)
second (num)
cha’Hu’ (n)
day before yesterday (n)
cha’leS (n)
day after tomorrow (n)
cha’logh (adv)
twice (adv)
cha’puj (n)
dilithium (n)
cha’pujqut (n)
dilithium crystal (n)
chech (v)
be drunk, intoxicated (v)
chegh (v)
return, return to (v)
cheH (v)
defect (v)
chel (v)
add (v)
chen (v)
build up, take form (v)
chep (v)
prosper, be prosperous (v)
cher (v)
establish, set up (v)
chergh (v)
tolerate (v)
chetvI’ (n)
torpedo tube (n)
chev (v)
separate (v)
che’ (v)
rule, reign, run, preside (v)
chIch (adv)
purposely, on purpose, intentionally (adv)
chID (v)
admit (v)
chIj (v)
navigate (v)
chIjwI’ (n)
navigator (n)
chIl (v)
lose, misplace (v)
chIm (v)
be empty, deserted, uninhabited, drained (v)
chIp (v)
cut, trim (hair) (v)
chIrgh (n)
temple (structure) (n)
chIS (v)
be white (v)
choH (v)
alter, change (v)
choH (n)
change (n)
chol (v)
close in, get closer, come nearer (v)
choljaH (n)
ponytail holder (n)
chom (n)
bartender (n)
chong (v)
be vertical (v)
chop (v)
bite (v)
choq (v)
preserve, save (v)
chor (n)
belly (n)
chorgh (num)
eight (num)
chorghDIch (num)
eighth (num)
choS (v)
desert (v)
choS (n)
twilight (n)
chot (v)
murder (v)
chov (v)
assess, evaluate (v)
chovnatlh (n)
specimen (n)
cho’ (n)
succession (n)
cho’ (v)
succeed (to authority) (v)
chuch (n)
ice (n)
chun (v)
be innocent (v)
chunDab (n)
meteor (n)
chung (v)
accelerate (v)
chup (v)
recommend, suggest (v)
chuq (n)
range, distance (n)
chuQun (n)
nobility (n)
chuS (v)
be noisy (v)
chuS’ugh (n)
type of musical instrument (n)
chut (n)
law (n)
chuv (v)
be left over (v)
chuvmey (n)
leftovers (grammatical term) (n)
chuyDaH (n)
thrusters (n)
chu’ (v)
be new (v)
chu’ (v)
engage, activate (a device) (v)
chu’wI’ (n)
trigger (n)
Da (v)
behave as, act in the manner of (v)
Dach (v)
be absent (v)
DaH (adv)
now (adv)
DaHjaj (n)
today (n)
Daj (v)
be interesting (v)
Daj (v)
test inconclusively (v)
Dal (v)
be boring (v)
Dan (v)
occupy (military term) (v)
Dap (n)
nonsense (n)
Daq (v)
eavesdrop (v)
Daq (n)
site, location (n)
DaQ (n)
ponytail (n)
Dargh (n)
tea (n)
DaS (n)
boot (n)
DaSpu’ (n)
boot spike (n)
Dat (n)
everywhere (n)
Daw’ (v)
revolt (v)
Daw’ (n)
revolt, revolution (n)
Da’ (n)
corporal (rank) (n)
Deb (n)
desert (n)
Dech (v)
surround (v)
Degh (n)
helm (n)
Degh (n)
medal, emblem, symbol, insignia (n)
DeghwI’ (n)
helmsman (n)
Dej (v)
collapse (v)
Del (v)
describe (v)
DenIb (n)
Denebia (n)
DenIb Qatlh (n)
Denebian slime devil (n)
DenIbngan (n)
Denebian (n)
DenIbya’ (n)
Denebia (n)
DenIbya’ngan (n)
Denebian (n)
DenIbya’ngan Qatlh (n)
Denebian slime devil (n)
Dep (n)
being (nonhumanoid) (n)
DeQ (n)
credit (monetary unit) (n)
DeS (n)
arm (body part) (n)
Dev (v)
lead, guide (v)
De’ (n)
data, information (n)
De’wI’ (n)
computer (n)
DI (n)
litter, rubble, debris (n)
DIb (n)
privilege, right (n)
DIch (n)
certainty (n)
DIl (v)
pay for (v)
DIlyum (n)
trillium (n)
DIng (v)
spin (v)
DIp (n)
noun (n)
DIr (n)
skin (n)
DIS (n)
cave (n)
DIS (v)
confess (v)
DIS (n)
year (Klingon) (n)
DIv (v)
be guilty (v)
DIvI’ (n)
federation, organization, association, league, union (n)
DIvI’may’Duj (n)
Federation battle cruiser (n)
Do (n)
velocity (n)
Doch (v)
be rude (v)
Doch (n)
thing (n)
DoD (n)
mark (in coordinates) (n)
Dogh (v)
be foolish, silly (v)
Doghjey (n)
unconditional surrender (n)
DoH (v)
back away from, back off, get away from (v)
Doj (v)
be impressive (v)
Dol (n)
entity, whole (n)
Dom (n)
radan (crude dilithium crystal) (n)
Don (v)
be parallel, go parallel to (v)
Dop (n)
side (n)
Doq (v)
be orange, red (v)
DoQ (v)
claim (territory) (v)
Dor (v)
escort (v)
DoS (n)
target (n)
Dotlh (n)
status (n)
Doy’ (v)
be tired (v)
Doy’yuS (n)
Troyius (n)
Do’ (v)
be fortunate, lucky (v)
Do’ (adv)
luckily, with luck (adv)
Do’Ha’ (adv)
unfortunately (adv)
Dub (n)
back (of body) (n)
Dub (v)
improve (v)
DuD (v)
mix (v)
Dugh (v)
be vigilant (v)
DuH (v)
be possible (v)
DuH (n)
possibility, option (n)
Duj (n)
instincts (n)
Duj (n)
ship, vessel (n)
Dum (v)
nap (v)
Dun (v)
be wonderful, great (v)
Dung (n)
area above, area overhead (n)
DungluQ (n)
noon (n)
Dup (n)
strategy (n)
DuQ (v)
stab (v)
DuS (n)
torpedo tube (n)
DuSaQ (n)
school (n)
Duv (v)
advance (v)
Duy (n)
agent, emissary (n)
Duy’ (v)
be defective (v)
Duy’ (n)
defect (n)
Duy’a’ (n)
ambassador (n)
Du’ (n)
farm (n)
gagh (v)
gargle (v)
ghaH (pro)
he, she, him, her (pro)
ghaj (v)
have, possess (v)
ghap (conj)
or, either/or (joining nouns) (conj)
ghaq (v)
contribute (v)
ghar (v)
conduct diplomacy (v)
ghar (n)
diplomacy (n)
ghargh (n)
serpent, worm (n)
gharwI’ (n)
diplomat (n)
ghatlh (v)
dominate (v)
ghaytan (adv)
likely (adv)
ghay’cha’ (excl)
general invective (excl)
ghegh (v)
be rough (v)
ghem (n)
midnight snack (n)
ghew (n)
bug, cootie (n)
ghe’‘or (n)
netherworld (where dishonored go) (n)
ghIb (v)
consent (v)
ghIch (n)
nose (n)
ghIgh (n)
necklace (n)
ghIH (v)
be messy, sloppy (v)
ghIj (v)
scare (v)
ghIm (v)
exile (v)
ghIpDIj (v)
court-martial (v)
ghIQ (v)
vacation, take a vacation (v)
ghIr (v)
descend (v)
ghItlh (n)
manuscript (n)
ghItlh (v)
write, engrave, incise, mark (v)
gho (n)
circle, hoop (n)
ghob (n)
ethics, virtue (n)
ghobe’ (excl)
no (answer to a question) (excl)
ghoch (n)
destination (n)
ghoch (v)
track, track down (v)
ghoD (v)
stuff (v)
ghogh (n)
voice (n)
ghoH (v)
argue, dispute (v)
ghoj (v)
learn (v)
ghojmoH (v)
teach, instruct (v)
ghojmoq (n)
nurse, nanny, governess (n)
ghojwI’ (n)
student (n)
ghol (n)
opponent, adversary (n)
ghom (n)
group, party, band (n)
ghom (v)
meet, encounter, assemble, rendezvous (v)
ghomHa’ (v)
scatter, disperse (v)
ghom’a’ (n)
crowd (n)
ghong (n)
abuse (n)
ghong (v)
abuse (v)
ghop (n)
hand (n)
ghopDap (n)
asteroid (n)
ghoq (v)
spy, spy on (v)
ghoqwI’ (n)
spy (n)
ghor (v)
break (v)
ghor (n)
surface (of a planet) (n)
ghorgh question
when? question
ghoS (v)
approach, go away from, proceed, come, follow (a course) (v)
ghoS (v)
thrust (v)
ghot (n)
person (humanoid) (n)
ghov (v)
recognize (v)
gho’ (v)
step on (v)
gho’Do (n)
sublight speed (n)
ghu (n)
baby (n)
ghuH (n)
alert (n)
ghuH (v)
prepare for, be alerted to (v)
ghuHmoH (v)
alert, warn (v)
ghum (n)
alarm (n)
ghum (v)
alarm, sound an alarm (v)
ghun (v)
program (a computer) (v)
ghung (v)
be hungry (v)
ghup (v)
swallow (v)
ghur (v)
increase (v)
ghuS (v)
be prepared, ready (to launch) (v)
ghuv (n)
recruit (n)
ghuy’cha’ (excl)
(curse) (excl)
ghu’ (n)
situation (n)
Hab (v)
be smooth (v)
HablI’ (n)
data transceiving device (n)
Hach (v)
be developed (e.g., civilization) (v)
HaD (v)
study (v)
Hagh (v)
laugh (v)
Haj (v)
dread (v)
Hal (n)
source (n)
HanDogh (n)
nacelle (n)
Hap (n)
matter (n)
Haq (n)
surgery (n)
Haqtaj (n)
scalpel (n)
HaqwI’ (n)
surgeon (n)
HaQchor (n)
saccharin (n)
Har (v)
believe (v)
HaSta (n)
visual display (n)
Hat (v)
be illegal (v)
Hat (n)
temperature (n)
Hatlh (n)
country, countryside (n)
Haw’ (v)
flee, get out (v)
Hay’ (v)
duel (v)
Ha’ (excl)
let’s go, come on (excl)
Ha’DIbaH (n)
animal, meat (n)
He (n)
course, route (n)
Hech (v)
intend, mean to (v)
HeD (v)
retreat (v)
HeDon (n)
parallel course (n)
Hegh (v)
die (v)
Hegh (n)
death (n)
HeghmoH (v)
be fatal (v)
HeH (n)
edge (n)
Hej (v)
rob (v)
Hem (v)
be proud (v)
HeQ (v)
comply (v)
Hergh (n)
medicine (n)
Hergh QaywI’ (n)
hypo, pneumatic hypo (n)
HerghwI’ (n)
hypo, pneumatic hypo (n)
HeS (v)
commit a crime (v)
HeS (n)
crime (n)
HeSwI’ (n)
criminal (n)
Hev (v)
receive (v)
He’ (v)
smell, emit odor (v)
He’So’ (v)
stink (v)
HIch (n)
handgun (n)
HIchDal (n)
airlock (n)
HIDjolev (n)
menu (n)
HIgh (v)
fight dirty (v)
HIj (v)
deliver, transport goods (v)
HIja’ (excl)
yes, true (answer to yes/no question) (excl)
HIp (n)
uniform (n)
HIq (n)
liquor, ale, beer, wine (n)
HISlaH (excl)
yes, true (answer to yes/no question) (excl)
HIv (v)
attack (v)
HIvje’ (n)
glass (tumbler) (n)
HI’ (n)
dictator (n)
HI’tuy (n)
dictatorship (n)
Hob (v)
yawn (v)
Hoch (n)
everyone, all, everything (n)
HoD (n)
captain (n)
Hogh (n)
week (Klingon) (n)
HoH (v)
kill (v)
HoH (n)
killing (n)
HoH’egh (v)
commit suicide (v)
Hoj (v)
be cautious (v)
Hol (n)
language (n)
Hom (n)
bone (n)
Hon (v)
doubt (v)
Hong (n)
impulse power (n)
Hop (v)
be remote, far (v)
Hoq (n)
expedition (n)
Hoqra’ (n)
tricorder (n)
HoS (v)
be strong (v)
HoS (n)
strength, energy, power (n)
HoSchem (n)
energy field (n)
HoSDo’ (n)
energy beings (n)
HoSghaj (v)
be powerful (v)
Hot (v)
touch, feel (v)
Hotlh (v)
project, put on (screen) (v)
Hotlh (v)
scan (v)
HotlhwI’ (n)
scanner (n)
Hov (n)
star (n)
Hovtay’ (n)
star system (n)
Hoy’ (v)
congratulate (v)
Ho’ (v)
admire (v)
Ho’ (n)
tooth (n)
Ho’‘oy’ (n)
toothache (n)
Hu (n)
zoo (n)
Hub (v)
defend (v)
Hub (n)
defense (n)
Huch (n)
money (n)
HuD (n)
mountain, hill (n)
Hugh (n)
throat (n)
HuH (n)
slime, bile, gall (n)
Huj (v)
be strange (v)
Huj (v)
charge (up) (v)
Hum (v)
be sticky (v)
Human (n)
human (n)
Hung (n)
security (n)
Hup (v)
punish (v)
Huq (v)
transact (v)
Hur (n)
outside (n)
Hurgh (v)
be dark (v)
Hurgh (n)
pickle (cucumber) (n)
HuS (v)
hang (v)
Hut (num)
nine (num)
HutDIch (num)
ninth (num)
Huv (v)
be clear, not obstructed (v)
Huy’ (n)
eyebrow (n)
Hu’ (n)
days ago (n)
Hu’ (v)
get up (v)
Hu’tegh (excl)
(general invective) (excl)
jab (v)
serve (food) (v)
jabbI’ID (n)
data transmission (n)
jach (v)
scream, cry out, shout, yell (v)
jagh (n)
enemy (n)
jaghla’ (n)
enemy commander (n)
jaH (v)
go (v)
jaj (n)
day (from dawn to dawn) (n)
jajlo’ (n)
dawn (n)
jan (n)
device (n)
jang (v)
answer, reply (v)
jaq (v)
be bold (v)
jar (n)
month (Klingon) (n)
jaS (adv)
differently (adv)
jat (n)
tongue (n)
jatlh (v)
speak, say (v)
jav (num)
six (num)
javDIch (num)
sixth (num)
jaw (v)
chat (v)
jaw (n)
lord (n)
jay’ (adv)
intensely (invective) (adv)
ja’ (v)
tell, report (v)
ja’chuq (v)
discuss, confer (v)
ja’chuq (n)
succession ritual (ancient) (n)
je (conj)
also, and (joining nouns) (conj)
je (adv)
also (adv)
jech (v)
disguise (v)
jech (n)
disguise, costume (n)
jegh (v)
surrender, give up (v)
jeH (v)
be absentminded (v)
jej (v)
be sharp (v)
jen (v)
be high (v)
jeQ (v)
be self-confident (v)
jeS (v)
participate (v)
jev (v)
storm (v)
jey (v)
defeat (v)
jey (n)
itinerary (n)
je’ (v)
buy, purchase (v)
je’ (v)
feed (someone else) (v)
jIb (n)
hair (on head) (n)
jIH (pro)
I, me (pro)
jIH (n)
viewing screen (n)
jIH (v)
monitor (v)
jIj (v)
cooperate, be cooperative (v)
jIl (n)
neighbor (n)
jInmol (n)
project (n)
jIp (n)
penalty (n)
jIv (v)
be ignorant (v)
jo (n)
resources (n)
joch (v)
be harmful (v)
joD (v)
stoop (v)
jogh (n)
quadrant (n)
joH (n)
lord; Lord, male head of house; Lady, female head of house (n)
joj (n)
area between (n)
jojlu’ (n)
consul (n)
jol (v)
beam (aboard) (v)
jol (n)
transport beam (n)
jolpa’ (n)
transport room (n)
jolvoy’ (n)
transporter ionizer unit (n)
jon (v)
capture (v)
jonta’ (n)
engine (n)
jonwI’ (n)
engineer (n)
joq (v)
flap, flutter, wave (v)
joq (conj)
or, and/or (joining nouns) (conj)
joqwI’ (n)
flag (n)
jor (v)
explode (v)
jorwI’ (n)
explosive, bomb (n)
joS (v)
gossip (v)
joS (n)
rumor, gossip (n)
jot (v)
be calm (v)
jotHa’ (v)
be uneasy (v)
jotlh (v)
take down (v)
joy’ (v)
torture (v)
jo’ (n)
machinery (n)
jub (v)
be immortal (v)
jubbe’ (v)
be mortal (v)
juH (n)
home (n)