Klingon Words Part 3 Flashcards
qIt (v)
be possible (v)
qIv (n)
knee (n)
qI’ (v)
sign (a treaty) (v)
qoch (n)
partner (n)
qogh (n)
belt (n)
qoH (n)
fool (n)
qoj (n)
cliff (n)
qoj (conj)
or, and/or (joining sentences) (conj)
qon (v)
record (v)
qop (v)
arrest (v)
qoq (n)
robot (n)
qor (v)
scavenge (v)
qorDu’ (n)
family (n)
qoS (n)
birthday (n)
qotlh (v)
tickle (v)
qoy’ (v)
plead, beg (v)
qoy’ (v)
hear (v)
qo’ (n)
world, realm (n)
qub (v)
be rare (v)
quch (v)
kidnap (v)
qugh (v)
cruise (v)
qughDuj (n)
cruiser (n)
quHvaj (n)
dandruff (n)
qul (n)
fire (n)
qum (v)
govern (v)
qum (n)
government (n)
qumwI’ (n)
governor (n)
qun (n)
history (n)
qun (v)
scold (v)
qup (n)
elder (n)
quprIp (n)
Council of Elders (n)
quq (v)
happen simultaneously (v)
qur (v)
be greedy (v)
quS (n)
chair (n)
qut (n)
crystal (geologic formation) (n)
qutluch (n)
type of hand weapon (n)
quv (n)
honor, personal honor (n)
quv (v)
be honored (v)
quvmoH (v)
honor (v)
qu’ (v)
be fierce (v)
Qab (n)
theragen (n)
QaD (v)
be dry, be dried out (v)
Qagh (n)
error, mistake (n)
Qagh (v)
err, be mistaken, make a mistake (v)
QaH (v)
help, aid (v)
QaH (n)
help (n)
Qam (v)
stand (v)
Qan (v)
protect (v)
Qang (n)
chancellor (n)
Qap (v)
work, function, succeed, win, operate, be in operation (v)
Qapla’ (n)
success (n)
QaQ (v)
be good (v)
Qargh (n)
fissure (n)
QaS (n)
troops (n)
Qat (v)
be popular (v)
Qatlh (v)
be difficult (v)
Qav (v)
be final, last (v)
Qaw’ (v)
destroy (v)
Qay’ (v)
blow one’s top (v)
Qeb (n)
ring (for finger) (n)
QeD (n)
science (n)
QeDpIn (n)
science officer (n)
QeH (n)
anger (n)
QeH (v)
be angry, mad (v)
Qel (n)
doctor, physician (n)
Qey (v)
be tight (v)
QeyHa’ (v)
be loose (v)
QeyHa’moH (v)
loosen (v)
QeymoH (v)
tighten (v)
Qe’ (n)
restaurant (n)
QIb (n)
shadow (n)
QIch (n)
speech (vocal sounds) (n)
QID (v)
wound (v)
QIghpej (n)
Klingon agonizer (n)
QIH (v)
damage, cause damage, wrong, treat unjustly (v)
QIH (n)
damage, destruction (n)
QIj (v)
explain (v)
QIp (v)
be stupid (v)
QIt (adv)
slowly (adv)
QIv (v)
be inferior (v)
QI’ (n)
military (n)
QI’tomer (n)
Khitomer (n)
QI’tu’ (n)
Paradise (n)
QI’yaH (excl)
(curse) (excl)
Qob (v)
be dangerous (v)
Qob (n)
danger (n)
Qoch (v)
disagree (v)
Qochbe’ (v)
agree (v)
QoD (v)
maneuver (engines) (v)
Qogh (n)
type of animal (n)
Qoj (v)
make war (v)
Qol (v)
beam away (v)
Qom (v)
experience an earthquake or tremor (v)
QonoS (n)
journal, log (n)
Qong (v)
sleep (v)
Qop (v)
be worn out (v)
QopmoH (v)
wear out (v)
Qorgh (v)
take care of, care for (v)
QoS (v)
be sorry (v)
Qot (v)
lie, recline (v)
Qotlh (v)
disable (v)
Qovpatlh (excl)
(epithet) (excl)
Qoy (v)
hear, listen to (v)
Qo’ (excl)
no, I won’t, I refuse (excl)
Qo’ (excl)
no, I disagree (excl)
Qo’noS (n)
Kronos (n)
Qub (v)
think (v)
Quch (v)
be happy (v)
Quch (n)
forehead (n)
QuchHa’ (v)
be unhappy (v)
QuD (n)
insurrection (n)
Qugh (n)
disaster (n)
Quj (n)
game (n)
Quj (v)
play a game (v)
Qul (v)
research (v)
Qum (v)
communicate (v)
QumpIn (n)
communications officer (n)
QumwI’ (n)
communicator, communications device (n)
Qup (v)
be young (v)
QuQ (n)
engine (n)
QuS (n)
conspiracy (n)
QuS (v)
conspire (v)
Qut (v)
be vulgar (v)
Quv (n)
coordinates (n)
Qu’ (n)
duty, quest, mission, task, chore (n)
Qu’vatlh (excl)
(curse) (excl)
raD (v)
force, compel (v)
ragh (v)
decay, rust, corrode (v)
ral (v)
be violent (v)
ram (v)
be trivial, trifling, unimportant (v)
ram (n)
night (n)
ramjep (n)
midnight (n)
rap (v)
be the same (v)
raQ (n)
camp (military term) (n)
raQpo’ (n)
passenger (n)
rar (v)
connect (v)
ratlh (v)
remain (v)
rav (n)
floor (n)
ray’ (n)
targets (n)
ra’ (v)
order, command (v)
ra’ghomquv (n)
High Command (n)
ra’wI’ (n)
commander (n)
reghuluS (n)
Regulus (n)
reghuluSngan (n)
Regulan (n)
reghuluS’Iwghargh (n)
Regulan bloodworm (n)
reH (adv)
always (adv)
reH (v)
play (v)
rejmorgh (n)
worrywart (n)
rep (n)
hour (n)
retlh (n)
area beside, area next to (n)
rewbe’ (n)
citizen (n)
rIgh (v)
be lame (v)
rIH (v)
energize (v)
rIHwI’ (n)
energizer (n)
rIn (v)
be accomplished, finished (v)
rIp (n)
council, assembly (n)
rIQ (v)
be injured (v)
rIQmoH (v)
injure (v)
rIvSo’ (n)
embassy (n)
rIymuS (n)
Remus (n)
rI’ (v)
hail (v)
rI’Se’ (n)
hailing frequency (n)
ro (n)
trunk (of body) (n)
roghvaH (n)
population (n)
roj (v)
make peace (v)
roj (n)
peace (n)
rojHom (n)
truce (n)
rojmab (n)
peace treaty (n)
rol (n)
beard (n)
rom (n)
accord (n)
romuluS (n)
Romulus (n)
romuluSngan (n)
Romulan (n)
rop (v)
be sick, ill (v)
rop (n)
disease (n)
ropyaH (n)
infirmary (n)
roQ (v)
put down (v)
ror (v)
be fat (v)
rotlh (v)
be tough (v)
ro’ (n)
fist (n)
ro’qegh’Iwchab (n)
rokeg blood pie (n)
ruch (v)
proceed, go ahead, do it (v)
rugh (n)
antimatter (n)
rup (v)
fine, tax (v)
ruQ (v)
control manually, by hand (v)
rur (v)
resemble (v)
rura’ pente’ (n)
Rura Penthe (n)
ruStay (n)
bonding ritual (n)
rut (adv)
sometimes (adv)
ruv (n)
justice (n)
ru’ (v)
be temporary (v)
Sab (v)
decline, deteriorate (v)
Sach (v)
expand (v)
SaD (num)
thousand (num)
Sagh (v)
be serious (v)
SaH (v)
be present (not absent) (v)
SaH (v)
care (about), be concerned (about) (v)
Saj (n)
pet (n)
Sal (v)
ascend (v)
Sam (v)
locate, seek and find (v)
San (n)
fate (n)
SanID (num)
thousand (num)
Sang (v)
obliterate (v)
Sap (v)
volunteer (v)
Saq (v)
land (v)
Saqghom (n)
landing party (n)
SaQ (v)
cry (v)
Sar (v)
be varied, various (v)
Sar (n)
variety (n)
SaS (v)
be horizontal (v)
Satlh (n)
agriculture (n)
Saw (v)
marry (husband does this) (v)
Say’ (v)
be clean (v)
Sa’ (n)
general (rank) (n)
Segh (n)
race (type, sort, class) (n)
SeHlaw (n)
control panel (n)
Seng (v)
cause trouble (v)
Seng (n)
trouble (n)
Sep (v)
breed (v)
Sep (n)
region, country (political entity) (n)
Seq (n)
fault (seismic) (n)
Ser (n)
progress (n)
SermanyuQ (n)
Sherman’s Planet (n)
SeS (n)
steam (n)
Sev (n)
bandage (n)
Sev (v)
contain (an enemy) (v)
Sey (v)
be excited (v)
SeymoH (v)
excite (v)
Se’ (n)
frequency (radio) (n)
she (v)
control (v)
SIbDoH (n)
satellite (n)
SIbI’ (adv)
immediately (adv)
SIch (v)
reach (v)
SID (n)
patient (n)
SIgh (v)
influence (v)
SIH (v)
bend (v)
SIj (v)
slit (v)
SIm (v)
calculate (v)
SIp (n)
gas (n)
SIQ (v)
endure, bear (v)
SIS (v)
rain (v)
SIv (v)
wonder (v)
Soch (num)
seven (num)
SochDIch (num)
seventh (num)
SoD (n)
flood (n)
SoD (v)
flood (v)
Sogh (n)
lieutenant (n)
SoH (pro)
you (pro)
Soj (n)
food (n)
Sol (v)
quarrel (v)
Som (n)
hull (n)
Somraw (n)
muscle (n)
Son (v)
relieve (v)
SonchIy (n)
death ritual (for a leader) (n)
Sop (v)
eat (v)
SoQ (v)
be closed, shut (v)
SoQ (n)
speech, lecture, address (n)
SoQmoH (v)
close, shut (v)
Sor (n)
tree (n)
Sorgh (v)
sabotage (v)
SoS (n)
mother (n)
SoSnI’ (n)
grandmother (n)
Sot (v)
be distressed, be in distress (v)
Sotlaw’ (n)
distress call (n)
Sov (v)
know (v)
Sov (n)
knowledge (n)
Soy’ (v)
be clumsy (v)
So’ (v)
hide, cloak (v)
So’wI’ (n)
cloaking device (n)
Sub (v)
be solid (v)
Such (v)
visit (v)
SuD (v)
be green, blue, yellow (v)
SuD (v)
gamble, take a chance, take a risk (v)
Sugh (v)
install (in office) (v)
SuH (excl)
ready, standing by (excl)
Suj (v)
disturb (v)
Sun (n)
discipline (n)
Sung (n)
native (n)
Sup (v)
jump (v)
Sup (n)
resource (n)
Suq (v)
acquire, obtain, get (v)
SuQ (v)
be toxic (v)
Surchem (n)
force field (n)
Surgh (v)
skin (v)
SuS (n)
wind, breeze (n)
Sut (n)
clothing (n)
Sutlh (v)
negotiate (v)
Suv (v)
fight (v)
SuvwI’ (n)
warrior (n)
Suy (n)
merchant (n)
SuyDuj (n)
merchant ship (n)
Su’ (excl)
ready, standing by (excl)
ta (n)
record (n)
tach (n)
bar, saloon, cocktail lounge (n)
taD (v)
be frozen (v)
taDmoH (v)
freeze (v)
tagh (n)
lung (n)
tagh (v)
begin a process, initiate (v)
taH (v)
be at a negative angle (v)
taH (v)
continue, go on, endure, survive (v)
taHqeq (excl)
(epithet) (excl)
taj (n)
knife, dagger (n)
tam (v)
be quiet (v)
tam (v)
exchange, substitute (v)
tammoH (v)
silence (v)
taQ (v)
be weird (v)
taQbang (n)
exhaust (n)
tar (n)
poison (n)
targh (n)
targ (n)
taS (n)
solution (liquid) (n)
tat (n)
ion (n)
tay (v)
be civilized (v)
tay (n)
ceremony, rite, ritual (n)
taymoH (v)
civilize (v)
tayqeq (n)
civilization (n)
tay’ (v)
be together (v)
ta’ (v)
accomplish (v)
ta’ (n)
accomplishment, deed (n)
ta’ (n)
emperor (n)
teb (v)
fill (v)
teblaw’ (n)
jurisdiction (n)
teH (v)
be true (v)
tej (n)
scientist (n)
tel (n)
wing (n)
telun Hovtay’ (n)
Tellun Star System (n)
tem (v)
deny (v)
ten (v)
embark (v)
tengchaH (n)
space station (n)
tep (n)
cargo (n)
tepqengwI’ (n)
cargo carrier, cargo lift (n)
teq (v)
remove, take off (v)
tera’ (n)
Earth (n)
tera’ngan (n)
Terran, Earther (n)
tet (v)
melt (v)
tev (n)
prize (n)
tey’ (v)
confide (v)
tI (n)
vegetation (n)
tIch (v)
insult (v)
tIgh (n)
custom (n)
tIH (n)
ray (n)
tIj (v)
board, go aboard (v)
tIjwI’ghom (n)
boarding party (n)
tIn (v)
be big (v)
tIq (v)
be long, lengthy (of an object) (v)
tIq (n)
heart (n)
tIQ (v)
be ancient (v)
tIr (n)
grain (n)
tIS (v)
be light (weight) (v)
tIv (v)
enjoy (v)
tI’ (v)
fix, repair (v)
tob (v)
prove (v)
tob (v)
test conclusively, prove (v)
toch (n)
palm (of hand) (n)
toD (v)
save, rescue (v)
toD (n)
rescue (n)
toDSaH (excl)
(epithet) (excl)
toDuj (n)
courage, bravery (n)
togh (v)
count (v)
toH (excl)
so, well (excl)
toj (v)
deceive, trick, bluff (v)
tongDuj (n)
freighter (n)
toplIn (n)
topaline (n)
toq (v)
be inhabited (v)
toQDuj (n)
Bird of Prey (vessel) (n)
tor (v)
kneel (v)
toS (v)
climb (v)
totlh (n)
commodore (n)
toy’ (v)
serve (a master) (v)
toy’wI’ (v)
servant (v)
toy’wI’‘a’ (n)
slave (n)
to’ (n)
tactics (n)
tuch (v)
forbid (v)
tugh (adv)
soon (adv)
tuH (v)
be ashamed (v)
tuH (n)
maneuver (military term) (n)
tuHmoH (v)
shame (v)
tuj (v)
be hot (v)
tuj (n)
heat (n)
tul (v)
hope (v)
tum (n)
agency (n)
tun (v)
be soft (v)
tunHa’ (v)
encourage (v)
tung (v)
discourage (v)
tup (n)
minute (of time) (n)
tuQ (v)
wear (clothes) (v)
tuQDoq (n)
mind sifter (Klingon psychic probe) (n)
tuQHa’moH (v)
undress (v)
tuQmoH (v)
put on (clothes) (v)
tut (n)
column (n)
tuv (v)
be patient (v)
tu’ (v)
discover, find, observe, notice (v)
tlhab (v)
be free, independent (v)
tlhab (n)
freedom, independence (n)
tlham (n)
gravity (n)
tlhap (v)
take (v)
tlhaq (n)
chronometer (n)
tlhaQ (v)
be funny (v)
tlha’ (v)
chase, follow (v)
tlheD (v)
depart (v)
tlhegh (n)
line, rope (n)
tlhej (v)
accompany (v)
tlhetlh (v)
progress (v)
tlhe’ (v)
turn (v)
tlhIb (v)
be incompetent (v)
tlhIch (n)
smoke (n)
tlhIH (pro)
you (plural) (pro)
tlhIj (n)
apologize (n)
tlhIl (v)
mine (v)
tlhIl (n)
mineral (n)
tlhIlHal (n)
mine (n)
tlhIlwI’ (n)
miner (n)
tlhIngan (n)
Klingon (n)
tlhIngan Hubbeq (n)
Klingon Defense Force (n)
tlhIngan wo’ (n)
Klingon empire (n)
tlhIv (v)
be insubordinate (v)
tlhob (v)
request, ask, plead (v)
tlhoch (v)
contradict (v)
tlhogh (n)
marriage (n)
tlhoj (v)
realize (v)
tlhol (v)
be raw, unprocessed (v)
tlhon (n)
nostril (n)
tlhong (v)
barter, bargain (v)
tlhoQ (n)
conglomeration (n)
tlhov (v)
wheeze (v)
tlho’ (n)
appreciation, gratitude (n)
tlho’ (v)
thank (v)
tlhuch (v)
exhaust (v)
tlhuH (n)
breath (n)
tlhuH (v)
breathe (v)
tlhup (v)
whisper (v)
tlhutlh (v)
drink (v)
tlhu’ (v)
be tempted (v)
tlhu’moH (v)
tempt (v)
va (excl)
(general invective) (excl)
vagh (num)
five (num)
vaghDIch (num)
fifth (num)
vaH (n)
holster (n)
vaj (adv)
so, then, thus, in that case (adv)
vaj (n)
warrior (n)
val (v)
be clever, smart, intelligent (v)
van (v)
salute (v)
van (n)
salute, tribute (n)
vang (v)
act, take action (v)
van’a’ (n)
award (n)
vaq (v)
mock (v)
vaQ (v)
be aggressive, be effective, be vigorous (v)
vaS (n)
hall, assembly hall (n)
vaS’a’ (n)
Great Hall (n)
vatlh (num)
hundred (num)
vatlhvI’ (n)
percent (n)
vav (n)
father (n)
vavnI’ (n)
grandfather (n)
vay’ (n)
somebody, something, anybody, anything, someone (n)
veH (n)
boundary (n)
veH tIn (n)
Great Barrier (n)
vem (v)
wake up, cease sleeping (v)
vemmoH (v)
wake (someone) up (v)
veng (n)
city (n)
vengHom (n)
village (n)
veqlargh (n)
devil, demon, Fek’lhr (n)
veQ (n)
garbage (n)
veQDuj (n)
garbage scow (n)
verengan (n)
Ferengi (n)
vergh (n)
dock (n)
vergh (v)
dock (v)
veS (n)
war, warfare (n)
veSDuj (n)
warship (n)
vetlh (n)
cockroach (n)
vID (v)
be belligerent (v)
vIH (v)
move, be in motion (v)
vIj (n)
thruster (n)
vIng (v)
whine (v)
vIt (v)
tell the truth (v)
vIt (n)
truth (n)
vI’ (v)
accumulate (v)
vI’ (n)
sharpshooting, marksmanship (n)
voDleH (n)
emperor (n)
vogh (n)
somewhere (n)
voHDajbo’ (n)
ransom (n)
volchaH (n)
shoulder (n)
vong (v)
hypnotize (v)
voq (v)
trust, have faith in (v)
voqHa’ (v)
distrust (v)
voQ (v)
choke (v)
vor (v)
cure (v)
vo’ (v)
propel (v)
vub (n)
hostage (n)
vuD (n)
opinion (n)
vul (v)
be unconscious (v)
vulgangan (n)
Vulcan (person) (n)
vulqan (n)
Vulcan (planet) (n)
vum (v)
work, toil (v)
vup (v)
pity (v)
vuQ (v)
fascinate (v)
vuS (v)
limit (v)
vut (v)
cook (v)
vutpa’ (n)
galley (n)
vuv (v)
respect (v)
vu’ (v)
manage (v)
vu’wI’ (n)
manager (n)
wam (v)
hunt (v)