Kīwaha mō te ngākau 1 Flashcards
Said when you’re angry at someone or something
Said when you’re annoyed at yourself (maybe for forgetting to do something)
Also said when you don’t want to do something or don’t like someone
Kai a te kurī
Really drag the whole kīanga out but especially the ā and ī out: Said if you disagree with something that has been said or the mahi of a person which may be bad. Said this way if you are really super angry with someone/something
Said quickly - you’re angry at something or someone but not super angry
Kai a te ahi
You’re not super angry with someone.
If you’re telling someone not to do something.
Tō hamuti
When you don’t want to do something that someone has asked you to do
Showing disdain for something or someone
Get stuffed
Up yours
Pūrari paka
Bloody bugger
Dragged out - you’re angry with someone or yourself because of some wrong doing that has been done
E kī, e kī!
Something doesn’t sit right with you.
Is that so?!
Get you!
You forgot something
Said really quickly.
Your kōrero is wrong! You’re lying.
Tangi - you forgot something, someone died, you saw something that wasn’t right
E hika!
Drag out the e
A mihi, a celebration
Something amazes you that you’ve seen or heard
You don’t know if you agree or not with something
Said about something that amazes you
Something that’s hōhā
You forgot something
Something’s been done wrong
The work done is good
Work is correct
Said in order to direct attention towards something
Lo and behold! Wowee
Koia anō
Similar to inē
That’s it
No wonder
Same as Pōkokohua
Ka aroha hoki
Sending love to someone
Cheeky, almost like say good job. You got yourself into that mess
Ka aroha hoki
Sending love to someone
How sad/disappointing
Cheeky, almost like say good job. You got yourself into that mess
You support something
He tika tonu
He tika tāu
You understand and support something
He tika tonu
He tika tāu
You understand and support something
Quite right!
Kei whea mai
Something that is really good
Kei whea mai
Something that is really good
Hei aha
Hei aha atu (stronger)
Never mind
Forget it
Leave it
Don’t take notice
E āua
Don’t know
Goodness knows
How should I know
Sometimes indicates someone isn’t particularly interested in what is being talked about
Aua atu
You’ve already completed something so there’s nothing to worry about
Anā tō kai
Like good job
Warning to someone
Kātahi hoki
Expression of surprise. Good ghad!
You don’t agree with something
Warning to someone. I told you!
Warning to someone. I told you!
Serves you right
Waiho atu
Leave it
Surprise - you might go into a room and not realise someone is in there
You caught someone