Kīanga o te tīnana 1 Flashcards
Mingo ngā pāpāringa
Wrinkles in the cheeks (from smiling)
Puku te rae
Incredibly angry
Kei tū te ihu
Don’t be stuck up
Don’t be snobby
Pakē tō waha
Snapping your mouth
Quick response
Hiki te poho
Raising of the chest from surprise or being afraid
Hītaratara tōku kiri
Goosebumps on the skin (not always because of a bad thing like fear or cold - you might hear a haka that moves you and you get goosebumps from that, or something may surprise you)
Pari te ihu
Hit in the nose
Bloody the nose
Tīkoro ngā whatu
Rolling the eyes
Kua tūtuki noa iho te waewae, me koke tonu koe
A broken leg is not a reason to give up, you should still continue to move forward
Kua whīwhiwhi taku arero
My tongue has been twisted (tongue tied)
Kua ongaonga taku kiri ina kite atu au i te toto e rere ana
My skin crawls (is disgusted) if/when I see blood flowing
Puta te ihu
Kua rewha ngā karu
Square eyes
Tiotio ōku taringa
My ears are grating/irritated because of certain sounds