KINE 2P09; LECTURE FOUR Flashcards
Specialized junction between neurons where electrical activity in the presynaptic neuron influences the electrical activity of the postsynaptic neuron
Excitatory synapse
Bring the membrane potential of postsynaptic neurons closer to the threshold
Inhibitory synapse
Bring the membrane potential of postsynaptic neuronS further away from the threshold
many presynaptic neurons coming to one postsynaptic neuron; combining into one
One presynaptic neuron flows into many postsynaptic neurons
The release of a ______ mediates communication between cells.
chemical messengers
Ionotropic receptor
Receptor is an ion channel
Metabotropic receptor
receptors that involve proteins and/or second messengers to eventually affect ion channel opening
At an inhibitory synapse, neurotransmitter binds to receptors that elicit a graded hyperpolarization of the postsynaptic neuron called an __________
inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP)
Temporal summation: 2+ input signals arrive from the __________in close succession to affect postsynaptic membrane potential
same neuron
Spatial summation: 2+ input signals arrive from ______________at about the same time to affect membrane potential
differnet neurons
____ is critical for affecting synaptic strength
Neurotransmitter release from a presynaptic neuron can be altered by:
- Lack of calcium being pumped out of a neuron
- Lack of temporary calcium storage in intracellular organelles during high-frequency stimulation
Axo-axonic synapses:
axon terminal of one neuron synapses with axon terminal of another neuron to influence calcium concentration and neurotransmitter release
Presynaptic inhibition:
decreases calcium concentration to decrease neurotransmitter release
Presynaptic facilitation:
increase calcium concentration to increase neurotransmitter release
______ located on the presynaptic axon terminal provides feedback to regulate neurotransmitter release
Biogenic amines (a. Catecholamines, 1. Dopamine (DA), 2. Norepinephrine (NE) 3. Epinephrine (Epi) B. serotonin C. Histamine)
Amino acids
the 7 wonders lol
Structure of the nervous system…
Central Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System
(Somatic sensory (muscle stretch and position)
Visceral sensory (lung/bladder distension)
Special sensory (vision, hearing, etc. )
(Somatic Nervous System (control of skeletal muscle)
Autonomic Nervous System (control of heart and vasculature)
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems
Preganglionic neuron
Cell body resides in the CNS and projects to autonomic ganglion
Postganglionic neuron
Cell body resides in autonomic ganglion and projects to tissue
Autonomic ganglion
Cell cluster outside CNS where pre- and post-ganglionic neurons synapse
thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord
fight or flight response
brainstem and sacral region of the spinal cord
est and digest