Kiev Russia Flashcards
What is the largest nation in the world geographically?
It stretches two continents - MASSIVE
Northern Russia Geographic Features -
Forests, animals, poor soil
Where did Russia send criminals and people who they didn’t like?
Russia sent criminals and people who they didn’t like to Siberia (north of Russia, very cold)
What was Russia’s strategy when they were attacked?
Russians retreated to the North when they were attacked, usually people followed them and then froze to death
Southern Russia Geographic Features -
Fertile land
Southern Steppe Geographic Features -
Open treeless grassland
Good for grazing and travel
The open area made Russia very difficult to defend
——- and —– were two main rivers. What were they good for?
Dnieper & Volga
Good for solid and transportation
The Varangians
Vikings who had made their way south through Russia and traded with the Byzantine Empire
What lead to Kiev being the main city?
Vikings traveled through Kiev every time they went to trade with the Byzantine
Empire - the city flourished
Byzantine Empire gave Russia-
ideas, culture, art, money (through trade)
Byzantine Empire sent ———— out; lots of cultural influence.
Vikings, Byzantine, etc; missionaries such as Cyril came to the bible.
The Byzantines refused to provide Russia with protection.
True or False
A monk named Cyril created the Cryillic Alphabet so that they could read a translated version of the bible
When Byzantine falls, Russia is essentially-
Oslga and Vladimir impacts-
Russian leaders such as Oslga and Vladimir (not Putin) converted to Christianity by 1000 AD and forged strong connections with the Byzantine Empire.
Yaroslav the Wise
Russia had its Golden Age under Yaroslav
Written laws
Translated Greek works
Russia was like the third Rome
What happened when Yaroslav the Wise died?
When he died families battled for power
The Mongols were united by-
Genghiz Khan (actually named Chinggis Khan (1200’s)
What was The Golden Horde?
Named due to their golden tents
They ruled Russia for 240 yrs
They expected heavy payments (tribute) and respect, however, they left the Russians alone for the most part.
Who was Batu?
Khan’s grandson Batu led Mongol armies into Russia (1236-1241)
Wat were the two main options for peasants in Russia under Mongol influence?
Peasants either fled or became serfs because they could not pay the tax or protect themselves
What did the Mongols do to the Russian Church?
Mongols allowed the Russian Church to stay and grow
Mongols brought —– from Asia to Eastern Europe and merchants ——
Women became ——– under Mongol influence
What did Russian Princes think about the Mongols rule?
Russian Princes admired the absolute power of the Mongols
Russia was cut off from-
the rest of Europe as advances in arts, sciences, technology happened
Located on important river routes
Tax collectors for the Mongols
Headquarters for church leaders
Defeated Mongols in 1380 (Kulikovo)
Ivan the Great (Ivan the Third) (1462-1505)
United most of northern Russia
Took the title of Czar (Meaning Caesar)
Took power away from the nobles (Boyars)
Ivan the Terrible
Made nobles loyal to him by giving them land
Made serfs “bound to the land”
Organized the орriи́cнiкi (terror agents)
He left Russia primed for rebellion when he died
Time of troubles (1604-1613)
Ended by Russian clergy, nobles, townsmen who chose Michael Romanov to rule
His family ruled for 300 yrs