Kidneys Flashcards
What is the primary function of the kidneys?
Urine formation and waste excretion
Which kidney is typically located slightly lower due to the position of the liver?
Right kidney
What anatomical structure contains the renal hilus?
Medial surface of the kidney
Which of the following structures is NOT part of the renal fascia?
Renal pyramid
What is the function of the renal columns?
They provide structure and support to the renal pyramids.
The kidneys are located at the _________ wall of the abdominal cavity and are protected by the rib cage.
The __________ is the funnel-shaped tube that is continuous with the ureter
and collects urine.
Renal pelvis
The ___________ capsule covers the outer surface of the kidney and provides protection.
The __________ are the conical or triangular structures found in the renal medulla.
Renal pyramids
The apex of each renal pyramid projects into the renal sinus and is known as the ___________.
Renal papilla
The column of Bertin is an anatomical variant consisting of a “mass-like” enlargement of the _________ tissue normally present between the renal
The potential space located between the liver and the right kidney is known as __________ .
Morrison’s pouch (hepatorenal recess)
The _________ maintains water and electrolyte balance in the body as one
of its functions.
Which of the following structures enters the kidney through the renal hilum?
Renal artery
What percentage of nephrons are cortical nephrons?