kidney formation Flashcards
which germ disc does the kidney arise from?
which area of the mesoderm?
intermediate mesoderm
what forms in the intermediate mesoderm? + when
pronephros, mesonephros and metanephros
what structure will form the definitive kidney?
first structure formation stages
- pronephros develops in the cervical region of the embryo
- the epithelial cells arrange themselves in a series of tubules called nephrotomes and join laterally with the pronephric duct
- pronephros then develops in the caudal direction
what appears next?
mesonephros then develops
stages of mesonephros formation
- pronephros tubules in the thoracolumbar region induces intermediate mesoderm to become epithelial mesonephric tubules
- each mesonephric tubule receives a blood supply from the aorta ending in a capillary tuft
- allows for filtration, resulting in the filtrate becoming drained
- pronephros degenerates a the mesonephros moves caudally, attaching to the cloaca
what forms at the attachment of the mesonephros to the cloaca?
an out pouching called the uteric bud
metanephrogenic diverticulum
which way does the uteric bud grow?
posteriorly and upward towards head
what is this elongated stalk called?
the metanephric duct
what does it go on to form?
the ureter
what happens next to the metanephros?
- moves into the intermediate mesoderm
- undergoes a series of branchings to form the collecting duct system of the kidney and the major and minor calyces of the renal pelvis
what is the metanephrogenic blastema?
region of intermediate mesoderm in contact with tips of the developing uterc bud
what happens to the metanephrogenic blastema?
- uteric bud releases signals inducing the differentiation of the intermediate mesoderm
- this forms renal tubules
- the renal tubules then grow and come into contact with the connecting tubules
explain sequence of divisions of uteric bud?
renal pelvis- 4 more- branches to major calyces, 4 more of major calyces to form mid calyces- more to collecting duct tips
final process to form definitive kidney
tips of collecting ducts swell to form ampullae
the ampullae induce surrounding mesenchyme to undergo EMT to form nephrite cap and nephrogenic vessels
where do the kidneys form?
near the bladder
what happens next to the kidneys?
ascend in weeks 6 and 9 due to differential growth
change their blood supply as they ascend
cancer in the kidney
Wilm’s tumour
explain Wilm’s tumour
develop from kidney remnants
what structure leads to the formation of the bladder?
allantois and the distal ends of the mesonephros
explain development of bladder
- rectum and ventral part of cloaca separated, forming the primary urogenital sinus which forms the bottom of the bladder
- this joins to the mesonephros remnants
- this joins to the allantois
- the caudal ends of the renal diverticula join the allantois to form the trigone
what does the mesonephros go onto form?
wolffian ducts of the male reproductive system