Kidney Channel Flashcards
KD 1 Yongquan
gushing spring
Jing well & W
descends excess from head
calm spirit
revives consciousness & rescues yang
tonify yin, clear empty head stripped tongue coat, night sweats, HT & KD harmo wind rash reg LJ feels like a bd sparkler extends its reach to LR -pt taps resources in order to grow -pain in lower abdomen in pregnancy
mark effect on bringing things down.
KD 2 Rangu
Blazing Valley
Yang spring & F
clear deficiency( empty) heat (pair w LU10,LU9,Ht6) reg KD Reg LJ (nourish yin) -diminished qi -night sweating -difficult urination -restless ft -stabbing HT pain
KD2+Ht3=f pt on water channel & w pt on fire channel
Kd-3 Taixi
supreme stream
shu stream, yuan source & E
nourishes KD yin & clear deficiency heat
tonifies KD yang
Anchors qi & ben LU
strengthen lumbar spine
(yang, yin, qi, essence & receiving LU qi)
KD6= Yin
KD7= Yang
KD3+Rn4+ Bl23= best for townifying KDs
Kd4 Dazhong
great bell
reinforces KD
anchors qi & lung qi
strong effect on stabilizing the emotions
use in MS
ben the Jing calm the mind clear the brain
KD5 shuiquan
water spring
Xi cleft
reg penetrating & conception vessels & ben menstruation MAC
reg xue in uterus
(morning sickness is consider irregular penetrating and conception )
KD 6 zhaohai
shining sea
confluent pt of yin motility vessel
LU7+ kD6 NOURISH KD YIN ben throat clear deficiency heat reg yin motility calm spirit reg LJ cool xue (like it for skin diseases characterizes by heat in the xue) -swelling/ pain of throat -redness/ dry eyes -insomnia -irregular menses
KD 7 Fuliu
retiring current
Jing river & M
BEST for tonifing KD YANG (in pracitice don't shy away from using this pt for yin) ben kds reg water passages & treats oedema reg sweating!!! drain damp & clear damp-heat strengthens lumbar region -spontaneous sweating LU 7, LI4, KD7= adjust sweating \+ht 6= stop to induce-sedate to stop- tonify
KD 8 Jiaoxin
exchange belief
xi cleft pt of yin motility vessel
reg conception & penetrating & adjust mens stop uterine xueing clear heat & drains damp from LJ -irregular mens -sweeling & pain of testicles -lumbar pain
KD 9 Zhubin
guest house
Xi- cleft pt of yin linking vessel
clear Ht & transform phlegm
reg qi & AP
-profound calming effect on the mind if yin df
build house for fetus= SP4 + PC6+ kd9
KD yang
yin valley
he sea & water
clear damp-heat from Lj! Ben KD ACAP -difficult urination -pain of genitals -shan disorder (dampness in LJ)
KD 11 Henggu
pubic bone
11-21=meeting pt of penetrating vessel
Ben LJ ( good movers of qi) -semial emission -sexual health {low sperm count/ STDs} -uterine/rectum prolapse -penetrating vessel goes to eyes- can be used for red/itchy
KD 12 Dahe
Gret Luminance
11-21 meeting pt of penetrating vessel
Tonifies KD & astringes essence -pain of genitals -strengthen uterus -reg ren & chong {sp 6 rn3/4 kd12}
KD 13
11-21 meeting pt of penetrating vessel
reg pen & conception reg LJ -infertility -difficult urination -tonify kd essence (also working for abdominal distention} -running piglet -strengthen the kd's to grasp LU QI
Kd 14 SIman
Four Fullness
11-21 meeting pt of penetrating vessel
ben lJ &AP
reg qi & moves Xue stasis (arguably best to move xue & qi in Lower abdomen)
reg h20 passages & promote urination
KD 17
affect the large bowel dispels acc & AP harm SP &. reg LI -consipation -abdominal pain -helps with regulation
KD 18
reg LJ &AP reg qi & move xue stasis harm ST -infertility talks about a border or the pass
KD 19
yin metropolis
reg qi & harms st
lowers rebellion & all cough & wheezing
-nausia/ vomitting
kd 20
harm mj
unbinds chest & trans phlegm
-support those who feel lost during healing process
KD 21
last pt of penetrating vessel
fortifies sp, harmo st, lowers rebellion
spreads LR qi, ben breasts chest & ap
KD 22
walking corridor
unbind chest
lower rebellious LU & ST qi
-cough, asthma
KD 23
spirit seal
unbinds chest
lower rebellion LU & Stqi
ben the breasts
KD 24
spirit ruin
unbinds chest lower rebellion LU & Stqi ben the breasts -agitations -breast abcesses -promotes FF of LR qi
KD 25
spirit storehouse
unbind chest
lower rebellious LU & ST qi
-hiding our fear
KD 26
comfortable chest
unbind chest & ben breasts trans phlegm lower rebellious LU Qi -cough wheezing asthma -repair a tarnished HT