Conception Vessel Ren Mai Flashcards
Ren 1 Huiyin
meeting yin
sun is-miao ghost pt
reg anterior & posterior yin
drains damp
clams spirit
promotes resuscitation & revives from drowning
- difficult urination
- uterine prolapse
- suffocation by drowning
ren 2 QuGu
crooked bone
ben urination
reg LJ
warms & invigorates KD
- seminal emission
- shan disorders
- red & white leucorrhoea
ren 2 QuGu
crooked bone
ben urination
reg LJ
warms & invigorates KD
- seminal emission
- shan disorders
- red & white leucorrhaoea
Ren 3 Zhongji
centre pole
Mu pt of UB
ben bladders, reg qi transformation & drains damp-heat
drains dampness & tr leucorrhoea
ben uterus & ben LJ
fortifies KD
- retained placenta
- retained lochia
Ren 4 Guanyuan !!!! major pt on body
Gate origin
Mu pt of SI
fortifies original qi & ben essence tonifies & nourishes KD wars & fortifies SP ben uterus & assists conception reg LJ & ben BL reg SI qi restores collapse TONIFIES ALL FORMS QI YANG XUE YIN ESSENCE YUAN !!!! -most powerful to tonifiy Qi & xue & strength the mind -infertility -chronic disease / poor constitution -chronic asthma -THE MAIN pt for uterus LU & KD 6 REN 4, SP 4, PC 6 calm the mind
Ren 5 Shimen
stone gate
Mu pt of SJ
moves & ben water passages
reg qi & AP
reg uterus
- pain/stones/ masses in abdomen
- diarrhoea
- difficult urination
use for phlegm & dampness in LJ
Ren 6 Qihai. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sea of qi
fosters original qi tonifies qi tonifies KD & fortifies yang rescues collapse of yang Reg qi & harmo xue
qi & yang w moxa
-lower abdominal pain
Ren 7 Yinjiao
yin intersection
reg menstration
ben lower abdomen & genital region
- shan disorders
- infertility
Ren 8 Shenque
Spirit Gate
ONLY MOXA (interposed Moxa)
warms & harmo intestines
Ren 9 Shuifen
water separation
reg water passages & treats oedema
harmo intestines & dispels accumulation
- oedema
- disentions of intestines & st
SP 9 Ren 9 & LU 9
Ren 10 xiawan
lower cavity
harmo st & reg qi
dispels food stagnation
-abdominal distention
-food stasis
ren 13- upper
ren 12-body
ren 10- lower
Ren 11 Jianli
strengthen interior
harmo MJ & regulates qi
Ren 12 Zhongwan
Middle cavity
Mu st
hui meeting of the FU
harmo MJ & descend rebellion
tones ST & fortifies SP
reg qi & Ap
- major pt for all st problems
- injury by worry
- undigested food in stool
Ren 13 Shangwan
upper cavity
harmo St & reg qi
defends rebellion & AV
reg HT
-undigested food in stool
Ren 14 Jugue
great gateway
Mu pr ot HT
reg Ht & AP
descends LU qi & unbinds chest
trans phlegm & calm spirit
harmo st & defends rebellion
- mental emotional component with too much worry, excitedness
- insomnia
Ren 15 Jiuwei
Turtledove tail
Luo of conception vessel
reg HT & calm spirit (background of yin or xue DF)
descends LU qi & unbind chest
-oppressive sensation in the HT
-st reflux
-fullness of the chest
(can be used for empty or full conditions)
(source pt of all yin organs)
Ren 16
unbind chest
reg St & depends st qi
Ren 17 Shanzhong
Chest Centre
Mu pt of PC
Hui meeting of QI
pt of the sea of Qi
Meeting pt of Conception vessel w SP KD, SI & Sj
reg qi & unbind chest
descends rebellion of LU & St
ben gathering qi
ben breasts & promotes lactation
- fullness & oppression of chest & diaphragm
- inability to speak
- vomiting w foaming watery saliva
- insufficient lactation
Ren 18-20
unbind chest
reg & descend qi
ren 21
descend st qi & dispels food accumulation
unbinds chest & descends
ren 22
window of heaven
best used for throat or voice issues!!
descends rebellion qi alleviates cough & wheezing
ren 23
ben tongue slippered speech (pair w Ht5 )for all manner of speech difficulties
ren 24 Chengjiang
container of fluids
extinguishes wind & ben face
reg conception vessel
- mouth paralysis
- pain & numbness of face
- shan disorder in men