Kidney Flashcards
The removal from the body of potentially toxic waste products of metabolism
The maintenance of internal solute concentration in teh body fluids of a living organism
What does the kidney consist of
Kidney consists of cortex, medulla, pelvis
Function of kidney
Basic unit of kidney
Nephron and is found in the medulla and cortex
Bowman’s capsule
Cup-shaped structure with porous inner wall which collects the filtrate produced by ultrafiltration of blood in the glomerulus
Proximal convoluted tubule
Highly twisted section which carries out selective reabsorption of useful substances from the filtrate back into the blood- have microvilli and mitochondria
Loop of Henle
Establishes high solute concentration in teh medulla so hypertonic urine can be produced
Distal convoluted tubule
Adjusts solute concentrations and blood pH
Collecting duct
Carries out osmoregulation by varying the amount of water reabsorbed
Ultrastructure of glomerulus
Pressure is very high and the capillary wall has fenestrations making it permeable. This allows for ions, urea, and glucose to be filtered out but not cells and most proteins
Three parts of the ultrafiltration system
- Fenestrations: cells in the wall of the capillaries that allow fluid, but not blood cells to escape
- Basement membrane: covers teh outside of capillaries and supports their wall. Made of negatively-charged glycoproteins which form a mesh with small gaps and prevent plasma proteins from passing
- Filtration slits: narrow gaps between the foot processes of podocytes-specialised epithelial cells that form the inner wall of the Bowman’s capsule, have extensions that wrap around the capillaries adn many short side branches called foot processes. Narrow gaps between foot processes prevent small molecules from being filtered out of the blood.
Proximal convoluted tubule function
Carries out selective absorption by AT from the filtrate. Have mitochondria, pumps and microvilli increasing the SA. AT makes the total solute concentration higher so water moves by osmosis. It reabsorbs all glucose and amino acids and 80% water, sodium and other mineral ions.
Loop of Henle function
Maintains hypertonic conditions in teh medulla. Descending limbs are permeable to water but impermeable to sodium ions. Ascending limbs are permeable to sodium ions but impermeable to water. Ascending limbs pump sodium ions out of the filtrate to the medulla by AT creating a high solute concentration in the medulla. The wall of the ascending limb is impermeable to water, so water is retained in the filtrate, even though the fluid in the medulla is now hypertonic relative to the filtrate. As the filtrate flows down the descending limb into this region of high solute conc. some water is drawn out by osmosis until the same solute concentration as the fluid in the medulla is reached. This dilutes the fluid in the medulla slightly. The filtrate that leaves the loop of Henle is more dilute than the fluid entering it showing that the loop of Henle increases the solute concentration of the medulla.