Evolution and Biodiversity Flashcards
What does evolution mean?
The cumulative change in the heritable characteristics of a population over time. It involves a change over time in the allele frequency.
What is a gene pool?
All the genes and their alleles present in an interbreeding population
What is the frequency of an allele?
The number of that allele in a population divided by the total number of alleles of the gene. It is a measurement of the proportion of an allele in the population
Why may there be differences in allele frequency?
Due to differences in natural selection
Random/genetic shift
What is speciation?
The formation of new species by the splitting of a species into two/mpre
What is needed for speciation to take place?
A population should become reproductively isolated. This keeps the gene pools separate.
What happens if natural selection acts indifferently on the isolated population?
The allele frequency in its gene pool will change and it will gradually diverge. Eventually, the isolated population will be incapable of interbreeding- it has become a new species.
What is allopatric speciation?
The formation of new species by populations that become reproductively isolated due to geographical/physical separation. It occurs in different geographical areas
What is sympatric speciation?
The formation of new species by populations that inhabit the same or overlapping geographic regions and are reproductively isolated due to behavioural isolation, temporal isolation or polyploidy. Occurs in the same geographical area
What are the types of reproductive isolation?
Geographical, temporal isolation and behavioural isolation
What is geographic isolation?
When populations of a species live in different areas and therefore do not interbreed
What is behavioural isolation?
When populations of a species have behaviour that prevents interbreeding
What is temporal isolation?
When populations of a species breed at different seasons or times of the day.
What is polyploidy?
it is having more than two sets of homologous chromosomes
How can polyploidy result?
- If non-dysjunction occurs resulting in a diploid gamete. The diploid gamete when fused with a haploid gamete produces triploids, which are infertile because homologous chromosomes cannot pair up and meiosis fails.
- Tetraploid cells can also result of chromosomes duplicate in preparation for meiosis but then no meiosis occurs.
What can polyploidy cause?
Instant speciation and can lead to sympatric speciation.
Give an example of polyploidy
In the genus Allium, polyploidy has occurred frequently and has led to speciation. This has resulted in a number of reproductively isolated populations. Most Allium species have a diploid number that is a number of 16. The ancestral Allium probably had this number. Allium species with 32 chromosomes are tetraploids and evolved by polyploidy. Many species of Allium reproduce asexually and polyploidy can confer an advantage over diploidy under certain conditions.
adaptive radiation
The rapid evolutionary diversification of a single ancestral line into several new species
What is adaptive radiation?
When members evolve different morphological features due to the different selection pressures.
What are homologous structures?
Homologous structures are structures that have evolved from the same part of a common ancestor and are the result of adaptive radiation.
What are examples of adaptive radiation?
- Beak types of the finches of the Galapagos Islands
- Pentadactyl limb
What is convergent evolution?
The independent evolution of similar features in species where the similar feature is not inherited from the common ancestor.
How may convergent evolution happen?
May occur when different species occupy the same habitat and are thus subjected to the same selection pressures.
What does convergent evolution lead to?
To the evolution of analogous structures
What are homologous strucutres?
Structures in different species that may perform different functions, but have the same basic structure.
How do homologous structures arise?
They have originated from a common ancestor and they are a result of adaptive radiation.
What are the analogous structures?
They have separate evolutionary origins, but are superficially similar because they perform similar functions. They are the result of convergent evolution.
What are evidence supporting evolution?
Evidence from fossils
Evidence from selective breeding of domestic animals
Evidence of homologous structures
Evidence from patterns of variation
Biochemical evidence
What is evidence from fossils?
- fossils are the preserved remains or traces of an organism from the past
- rock layers on the Earth develop in a chronological order
- radioisotope dating reveals the age of rocks and of the fossils in them
- the sequence in which organisms appear in the fossil record matches their complexity and the expected sequence of evolution
- Comparisons between fossils and living organisms show that changes from an ancestral form have occurred over time in the characteristics of living organisms.
- Transitional fossils demonstrate intermediate stages in the evolution of groups and link together existing organisms with their likely ancestors.
- DNA can be taken from fossils for molecular clock analysis
What is evidence from selective breeding of domesticated animals?
- Selective breeding is a form of artificial selection where humans breed species to produce desired traits in the offspring
- The striking differences in the heritable characteristics between domesticated breeds show that species can evolve rapidly by artificial selection
What is the evidence from homologous structures?
Amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals have limbs that serve different functions. However, the basic bone structure is the same. The structure is known as the pentadactyl limb and is an example of homologous structure. The most likely explanation is that all these vertebrates share a common ancestor with pentadactyl limbs. This is a type of evolution called adaptive radiation.
What is evidence from patterns of variation?
If populations gradually diverge and there is no sudden switch, one would expect to find examples of all stages of divergence at any moment. The continuous range in variation supports the origin of new species by evolution.
What is biochemical evidence for evolution?
All organisms have DNA as genetic material.
All organisms have 20 aa.
The genetic code is universal.
What is natural selection?
Natural selection can only occur if there is genetic variation between members of the same species. The theory was proposed by Charles Darwin.
How does natural selection work?
- Species produce more offspring than the environment can support
- This leads to a struggle for survival within a population: the individuals compete for resources- some individuals survive and some die
- Or there is an environmental change that exerts selection pressure
- individuals of a population show variation
- some individuals are better adapted than others
- The better adapted tend to survive and produce more offspring while the less well- adapted tend to die or produce less offspring
- Individuals that reproduce pass on the alleles to their offspring and so the frequency of alleles that make individuals better adapted increases the population’s gene pool