Keywords Flashcards
A group of people who live togther who are related by marriage or blood. This includes couples who cohabit.
Two people who are in a relationship; who are not related by blood or marriage and live together.
It is the legal ending of a marriage.
Children in Care
They are ‘looked after children’ who are taken into local authority.
When a woman releases an egg from one of the ovaries, ready to be fertilised by the sperm.
When the endometrium breaks down and leaves the body in the form of a small amount of blood and cells passing out of the vagina.
It is the process of giving birth. There are three main stages to labour.
Postnatal Care
It refers to the period of days and weeks after the birth. It is the care of the mother and the baby.
Being unable to conceive.
Fertility Treatment
Medical help that is given to enable people to have children.