keyword defintions Flashcards
Define ‘Alms-house’
a house for the poor, paid by charity
Define ‘ambassador’
the office representative of a foreign ruler
Define ‘armada’
Spanish word for a fleet or warships
Define ‘book of common prayer’
a book that contained orders of church services
define brownist
a follower of Robert Browne (a separatist)
Define ‘Calvinist’
a follower of John Calvin a man man who carried out protestant reformation in Geneva
define communion
religious service that involved offering of bread and wine to the congregation
define council of the north
they enforced government authority and policies in north of England
Define ‘courtier’
a person who attends the Royal Court
Define ‘dissolution of the monasteries’
the official closure of all monasteries between 1536-39 on the order of Henry VIII
Define ‘doctrine’
the principles of a religious belief
Define ‘dowry’
money or property paid by the father of the bride on her marriage
Define ‘excommunicate’
to expel from the Roman Catholic Church, thereby denying the individual to enter heaven
Define ‘hawking’
the sport of falcons to return from flight to their trainer and to hunt under the direction of their trainer
Define ‘illegitimate’
a child born to parents who were not married by time of birth
Define ‘inflation’
an increase of a wide range of prices and services
Define ‘jesuit’
member of the society of jesus founded in 1540 to support the pope in their fight against heretics and to carry out missionary work
Define ‘justice of the peace’
an official appointed by the government to keep law and order and to try minor court cases
Define ‘labouring poor’
those who worked with their hands, often for low wages and frequently living in poverty
Define ‘lady-in-waiting’
a lady who is a queens or princesses attendant
Define ‘local militia’
part-time forces raised in each county, in times of emergency to help put down rebels and maintain peace
Define ‘Lord chamberlain’
person who ran the Royal Household
Define ‘Marian debt’
Queen Mary I had spent more money to run the country then she had received through taxation, therefore she had to borrow money
Define ‘Marian exiles’
protestants who fled abroad to protestant cities such as geneva and frankfurt after the catholic Mary I became queen in 1553
Define ‘Marian persecution’
the persecution of non catholics during reign of mary I
Define ‘mass’
the main service of the Roman catholic church in which the body and blood of christ in the form of bread and wine are consumed
Define ‘Mullion’
a vertical stone or wooden bar between window panes, often carved or ornate
Define ‘Poor relief’
action taken by the government, the church or private individuals to help the poor
Define ‘privateer’
a privately owned ship commissioned for war service by a government
Define ‘Propoganda’
material issues, usually by governments; to persuade people to think or behave in a particular way
Define ‘prophesyings’
meeting of ministers and other interested parties in which ministers practiced their preaching skills
Define ‘regent’
person who govern while the monarch is under age
Define ‘Secret service’
government department that conducts intelligence operations such as spying
Define ‘seminary priests’
priests trained Roman Catholic colleges
Define ‘smallpox’
an infectious disease with a high fever and eruptions on the skin
Define ‘Spanish Inquisition’
set up in Spain in 1479 to root out heresy; those arrested were sometimes tortured if found guilty burnt at the stake
Define ‘Spanish main’
term used to describe those parts of central and southern America ruled by Spain and the seas around them which they controlled