Keys Flashcards
If you are looking at a key signature with Sharps, how do you know which key it is in, if it is in a Major key?
Look at the last sharp (furthest to the right) and go up one half step. For example, an F# means key of G. An A# means key of B.
What is the mnemonic to remember the order of sharps?
Funny clowns go dancing after eating Bon-bons.
What is the key signature for C Major?
No sharps or flats.
What is the key signature for G major?
F sharp.
What is the key signature for D major?
Two sharps - F# and C#.
What is the key signature for A Major?
3 sharps - F#, C#, G#.
What is the key signature for E Major?
Four sharps - F#, C#, G#, D#.
What is the key signature for B Major?
5 sharps - F#, C#, G#, D#, A#
What’s the key signature for F# Major?
6 sharps - F#, C#, G#, D#, A#, E#
What major key has no sharps or flats?
C Major
What Major key has one sharp?
G Major - F#
What Major key has two sharps?
D Major - F#, C#
What Major key has three sharps?
A Major - F#, C#, G#
What Major key has 4 sharps?
E Major - F#, C#, G#, D#
What Major key has 5 sharps?
B Major - F#, C#, G#, D#, A#
What Major key has 6 sharps?
F# Major - F#, C#, G#, D#, A#, E#
What is the mnemomic for the order of flats in a key signature?
BEAD goes chasing flats - B E A D G C F
What is the key signature for F major?
1 Flat - B flat
What is the key signature for Bflat Major?
2 Flats - B & E flat
What is the key signature for E flat Major?
3 Flats - B, E and A flat
What is the key signature for A flat Major?
4 Flats - B, E, A and D flat
What is the key signature for D flat Major?
5 flats - B, E, A, D and G
How do you know what key a piece is in if it has flats and is Major?
Look at the second to the last flat (from the right). For instance if it has BEAD flats then it is A flat Major.
How many letters and half steps are there in a Major 3rd?
3 letters, 4 half steps
How many letters and half steps are there in a minor 3rd?
3 letters, 3 half steps
How many letters and half steps are there in a perfect 5th?
5 letters, 7 half steps
How many letters and half steps are there in an augmented 5th?
5 letters, 8 half steps
How many letters and half steps are there in an diminished 5th?
5 letters, 6 half steps
What intervals have augmented, perfect and diminished forms?
1, 4, 5, 8
What intervals have augmented, Major, minor and diminished forms?
2, 3, 6, 7
What minor key signature has no sharps or flats?
A minor
What minor key signature has 1 sharp?
E minor
What minor key signature has 2 sharps?
B minor
What minor key signature has 3 sharps?
F# minor
What minor key signature has 4 sharps?
C# minor
What minor key signature has 5 sharps?
G# minor
What minor key signature has 6 sharps?
D# minor
What minor key signature has 1 flat?
D minor
What minor key signature has 2 flats?
G minor
What minor key signature has 3 flats?
C minor
What minor key signature has 4 flats?
F minor
What minor key signature has 5 flats?
B flat minor
What is the key signature of D minor?
One flat - b flat
What is the key signature of C# minor?
4 sharps - f,c,g,d
What is the key signature of B minor?
2 sharps - f,c
What is the key signature of C minor
3 flats - b,e,a
What is the key signature of F# minor?
3 sharps - f,c,g
What is the key signature of E minor?
1 sharp - f
What is the key signature of G minor?
2 flats - b, e
What is the key signature of A minor?
no flats or sharps
What is the key signature of F minor?
4 flats - b,e,a,d
What is the key signature of D# minor?
6 sharps - f,c,g,d,a,e
What is the key signature of G# minor?
5 sharps - f,c,g,d,a
What is the key signature of B flat minor?
5 flats - b,e,a,d,g
For any major key, how do you know what the relative minor is?
It is a minor 3rd (3 letters, 3 half steps) below the major key.
If you have a minor key, what is its major relative key?
The major relative is a minor third up from the minor key (3 letters, 3 half steps).
What is another name for a treble clef?
G clef because it spirals around the G on the 2nd line.
What is another name for bass clef?
F clef because it spirals and the two dots go around the F on the second from the top line.
What are the 3 clefs normally used for the cello? Bonus for the rarely used fourth clef?
Bass, treble, tenor. Rarely it uses alto.
Explain the tenor clef?
The tenor clef is a C clef which looks like 2 lines followed by a 3. For tenor clef the middle of the 3 points to the 4th line (2nd from the top) - that’s where C4 is placed.
How can you tell the alto from the tenor clef?
Both are C clefs. For alto, the clef is drawn evenly on the staff and points the C to the middle line. The more common tenor clef is higher and points to the fourth line (second from the top).