Alfred's Essential Music Theory Flashcards
Lines and spaces on the staff are numbered:
Top to bottom
Bottom to top?
Bottom to top
How many lines are on a staff?
The treble clef evolved from a stylized version of what?
The letter G. The curl of the clef circles the note G (2nd line).
What are the names of the notes if the treble clef lines from bottom to top?
E, G, B, D, F
Every good boy does fine
What are the notes of the spaces of treble clef?
F, A, C, E
The bass clef evolved from what?
A stylized letter F. It curls around the F on the 4th line. The two dots also surround the F. This is the F below middle C.
What are the line notes of the bass clef from bottom to top?
G, B, D, F, A
Good boys do fine always.
What are the space notes of the bass clef?
A, C, E, G
All cows eat grass.
When the bass and treble clefs are connected by a brace it is called…
The Grand Staff.
Which clef is also known as the G clef?
The treble clef.
The line through middle C is called a ______line.
Which clef is also known as the F clef?
Bass clef
Note stems extend downward on the _______ side when the note appears _______.
On or above the 3rd line of the staff.
Stems appear upward on the ______ side when the note appears ________.
Below the 3rd line of the staff.
The stem length should continue to…
The space or line with the same letter name, above or below.
A double bar is written _______ (where) and is made up of ______.
At the end of a piece
One thin and one thick line, the thick one on the outside.
On a grand staff the bar lines and double bars do/do not run through the entire staff.
In a time signature the upper number tells…
How many beats (or counts) are in each measure. E.g. In 3/4 time there are 3 beats in a measure.
In a time signature the lower number indicates…
The type of note that receives 1 beat. In 3/4 time a quarter noted receives one beat.
A whole rest means to rest…
For a whole measure.
A half rest is equal to…
Half of a whole rest and therefore half a measure.
A quarter rest is equal to…
A quarter of a whole rest.
A whole rest is located…
Hanging from the 4th line.
A half rest is located…
Sitting on the 3rd line.
In 2/4 time what kind of rest is used for 2 beats?
A whole rest.
In 2/4 time these are never used:
A _____ rest and a ______ note.
A half rest and whole note are never used in 2/4 time.
In 3/4 time what is used for 3 beats of rest?
A whole rest.
What are never used in 3/4 time?
A half rest and whole note.
A dot after a note increases its duration by…
Half the original value.
A tie joins what kinds of notes?
Two notes of the same pitch.
A slur _______ (adverb) connects two or more notes of ______ pitches. This is also referred to as ________ playing or singing.
When all the stems are in the same direction, the slur is written on the side opposite the stems. When the stem direction is mixed the slur is written…
Above the notes.
Describe a repeat sign
Two dots around the 3rd line and a double bar (thin, thick).
Two or more 8th notes are connected by a ______.
An eighth rest is equal to…
Half the value of a quarter rest.