KEYNESIAN Flashcards
Dynamic AS/AD model incorporates features from..
Keynesian and new-keynesian
Key feature to Keynesian model
Frictions to adjustment of prices
2 positives of abandoning DSGE setting
- can represent equilibrium in as/ad diagram
2. can show BC shocks by shifts
AS =
the link between output and prices due to the price setting behaviour of firms.
AD =
the link between output and prices due to the demand behaviour of consumers and firms for the final good.
What 2 types of output do keynesian models distinguish between?
Yt bar = potential output
Yt tilda = SR output / output gap
Potential output =
level of output that prevails when FOPs are utilised at their LR level. When shocks have dissipated. Exogenous to this model.
Output gap formula
Yt tilda = Yt - Yt bar / Yt
% deviation of current output from potential output.
The LR =
the time horizon over which effects of temporary shocks have dissipated.
The SR -
the time horizon over which shocks bring the economy away from equilibrium.
In keynesian models, it is important to distinguish between…
especially for IR
Real IR =
the return in terms of the consumption good from investing 1 unit of the final good.
LR Real IR formula
R bar = MPK - d which are steady state quantities.
Why does R≠R bar?
In the SR due to monetary policy,
Nominal IR =
nominal return in terms of money of investing 1 unit of money.
Fisher equation
Rt = it - Pi t
National account identity
Yt = Ct + It + Gt
What does Gt refer to?
Gt = gov purchases
Gt ≠ government spending - it does NOT include transfers.
Formula for Ct
Ct = (ac bar + ac,t) Yt bar
Formula for Gt
Gt = (ag bar + ag,t) Yt bar
What is ac bar?
The constant LR share of potential output that goes to consumption
Does Ct depend on SR output? Why?
NO - only potential output. temporary shocks implicitly assumed to be smoothed by saving/borrowing.
Formula for It
It = (ai bar + ai,t - b(Rt - R bar)) Yt bar
How does It depend on real IR? explain.
It depends negatively on gap between real IR and R bar. If Rt > R bar, this means Rt > MPK so disincentive to invest in K, better to save retained earnings on financial market so It falls.
IS curve shows
The equilibrium relationship between SR output and the real IR, which is negative.
Formula for IS curve
Yt tilda = at - b(Rt - R bar)
where at = ac,t + ag,t + ai,t