Key Words Settlement Flashcards
Agglomeration economies
Savings made by firms that locate in clusters and/or in large urban areas
Assisted areas
Areas that have accurate economic social and environmental problems and that are targeted by overnments for financial help
Bid-rent theory
Theory of competitive bidding by different land users for sites in urban areas, the outcome of which is a series of zones
Brownfield site
Site for housing, industry or commerce that has previously been developed and built on
Burgess’s zonal model
Urban structure model where land use is organised as a series of concentric rings or zones around the city centre
Business park
Purpose built office complex that accommodates service activities, often in a landscaped setting, on the edge of town
Central business district, central part of a town or city dominated by commercial land uses
Importance or status of a central place, measured in several ways such a population size, total number of functions etc
Convenience goods or services
Low-cost goods and services that are purchased frequently services
Core and frame model
Model of the spatial structure of the CBD which recognises an inner zone of higher-intensity land use
Decentralising movement of population in MEDCs away from cities and conurbations, to small towns and villages in commuter hinterlands to remoter rural areas
Dispersed settlement
Pattern of settlement dominated by isolated farms
Edge city
City-like settlements on the fringes of existing urban settlements
Enterprise zone
K planning unit devised in the 1980s which covered areas of acute unemployment, dereliction and decay in towns and cities
Settlements that are functionally linked to nearby urban areas, but which are physically separate from them, often called dormitory or commuter villages
Footloose industry
Industry that has few constraints on its location
Foreign direct investment, inward investment by a foreign company in a country or region
Processes by which former low-income inner-city housing areas in MEDCs are invaded by higher-income groups and refurbished
Concentration of people of similar socio-economic or cultural ethnic background within a well defined geographical enclave in a city
Zone of predominantly rural land use encircling an urban area, where strict controls on development apply
Harris-Ullman multiple- nuclei model
Urban structure model that describes patterns of urban land use as a series of discrete nuclei
Highly popular location for visitors in a conservation area such a National Park
Hoyt’s urban sector model
Classic urban structure model in which land use is organised as a series of sectors radiating from the city centre
Industrial estate
Modern industrial area with purpose-built units and good road access often located on the edge of town
Fixed capital investment in transport networks, utility grids, housing, hospitals, school etc
Greenfield Site
Site for housing, commerce or industry that has not previously been built on
Inner City
Zone of within 1 or 2 km of the CBD
Land degradation
Deterioration in the suitability of land for agriculture that results from soil erosion, desertification and salinization
Land reform
Government-organised redistribution of agricultural land
Nucleated settlement pattern
Spatial distribution of rural settlement dominated by villages
Nucleated village
Village with a compact form, where farms, houses and other buildings are clustered around a central green, square, church etc.
Psychological function that enables an individual to convert sensory information into organised and coherent experience
Areas that are geographically remote from a central core region
Primary sector
Economic activities that produce food, fuel and raw materials
Quaternary sector
Activities such as finance, trade and research and development
Rank size distribution
Urban hierarchy in a country where the largest city is twice as big as the second city, three times the size of the third city and so on
Regional shopping centre
Planned edge-of-town shopping centre, comparable in scale and range of shops to the central shopping area of large town or city
Retail park
Planned out-of-town shopping area, dominated by several large retail sheds and with extensive on-site parking
Movement of people back to inner cities in MEDCS from the outer suburbs and exurbs
Rural depopulation
Absolute decline in the population in a rural area
Degree to which area can be defined as rural rather than urban
Rural-urban fringe
Zone of rural land use immediate adjacent to a large town or city
Secondary sector
Economic sector that covers manufacturing industries
Sphere of influence/trade area
Area served with goods and services by a central place
Growth of suburbs through the decentralisation of population, industry and commercial activities
Rapid growth of activities in the economies of MEDCs in the last service 30-40 years
Tertiary sector
Generally, an alternative name for all service activities; or specifically, those service activities those linked with industry
Minimum number of people or the minimum expenditure required to support a good or service in a Central Place
Urban development corporation(UDC)
Government-appointed QUANGO whose brief was to regenerate run down and derelict areas in major British cities
Urban growth
Absolute increase in population living in urban areas or the physical expansion of urban areas
Increase in the proportion of a population living in urban areas
Urbanisation diseconomies
Economic disadvantages of locating in large urban areas
Urbanisation economies
Advantages to firms of locating in urban areas where essential economic and social infrastructures are already in place
Urban-rural manufacturing shift
Increase in the proportion of manufacturing in small towns and rural areas since 1970
Urban spraw
Loss of countryside caused by the physical expansion of towns and cities
World city
City that functions as a command-and-control centre for the global economy
In urban geography, a concentric ring of uniform land use in a city