Key words physical Flashcards
The conversion of gas/vapour into a liquid due to the cold surface cooling the warm gas/vapour
Channel storage
The water held in a river or stream channnel
Water soaking into the soil from/through the ground
Water lost to the atmosphere through stomata
Ground water storage
The storage of water underground in permeable rock store
Groundwater flow
Lateral movement of water from the water table
Plants prevent some rainfall from directly reaching the ground
Channel flow
Downhill movement of water in rivers
Through flow
Water moves downward through layers of soil
Soil storage
Water stored in the soil
Moisture lost directly into the atmosphere from soil and water surfaces, due to the suns heat
Surface run off
The movement of water over the surface of the land, usually when the ground is saturated, or frozen, or when precipitation is too intense for infiltration to occur
Snow, hail ,rain or fog
Surface storage
The total volume of water held on the earth surface, in lakes, ponds or puddles.
Flood hydrograph
A graph displaying a relationship between precipitation and discharge during a storm, of a drainage basin
Peak rainfall
When the rainfall is higest
Peak discharge
The highest amount of river discharge
Lag time
The difference between peak rainfall, and peak discharge. Represents the time taken for the water to move through the system/stores of the basin
Rising limb
The increase of river discahrge
Falling limb
The decrease of river discharge