key words Flashcards
used by Western sociologists to mean industrialisation, economic growth and the living standards associated with prosperity, such as increased life expectancy, health-care, free education, etc.
First World
rich capitalist nations such as the UK and Japan.
increased world interconnectedness through the flow of nations, people, ideas, technology and culture in general.
Mortality rate
the death rate per 1000 of the population in a given country.
Morbidity rate
prevalence of disease; the extent or degree of prevalence of a disease in a district or country.
New Right
a political perspective dominant from the 1980’s, deeply influenced by functionalist thought and a belief in the free market.
Third World
poorer countries such as Mexico, Bangladesh and Ghana.
the process of migration from rural areas to cities.
Undeveloped countries
those that are seem not to have experienced development and are often termed ‘less-developed countries’ (LDCs). These countries have not yet developed but there is no reason why they should not do so in the future.
Underdeveloped countries
those that have not developed because they have been prevented from doing so by richer countries. Their poverty may have been directly caused by richer countries exploiting them
Second World
Communist countries such as China.
Minority World
the richest 20% of the planet’s population.
Majority world
the poorest 80% of the planet’s population
theorists who see globalisation as a new era of human history.
less economically developed countries- middle income countries, often depend on exports and production
least economically developed countries- poorest countries. often pre-industrialised economies and can not produce or make their own goods leading to dependence.
more economically developed country
Gross National Product
The total economic value of goods and services produced BY a country.
Where a more powerful country expands into other, less powerful territories and exerts political and economic control.
A system of male domination and control
Believes governments should remove restrictions to free trade, privatize public services, and keep taxes low.
Modern World System
global capitalism is structured into three zones of production - core, periphery and semi-periphery
Official Development Aid
Loans and grants from public or official sources such as national governments or international agencies of development.
Fair Trade
Guarantees that products are produced in a way in which workers get a fair price and aren’t exploited.
Typically have charity status and raise funds through a combination of voluntary donations from the public
Where a population moves from rural to urban areas - the migration of people from the country to towns and cities.
Where a country moves from an economy dominated by agricultural output and employment to one dominated by manufacturing
The Enrolment Ratio
The percentage of children enrolled in school in a country