Key Words Flashcards
Birth Rate
The number of children born alive for every 1000 people in one year.
Carrying Capacity
The maximum number of people who can be supported in a given area.
Death Rate
The number of people who die for every 1000 people in one year.
A person who studies population growth.
Demographic Transition Model
A model which shows population change overtime.
Dependant Population
The number of people of non-working age (0-14 years and 65+ years).
Dependency Ratio
The ratio between the number of people in a population of working age (15-64 years) and the number of people of non-working age (0-14 years and 65+ years)
Economically Active
The number of people of working age (15-64 years).
Fertility Rate
Average number of children a woman has in a country.
Low Income Country (LIC)
A country where GNI is relatively low in comparison with other countries. Eg, Uganda
Natural Increase
The birth rate minus the death rate. It is normally given as a % of the total population.
Newly Industrialised Countries (NICs)
Countries which were recently less developed but where industrialisation has happened quickly e.g. China
Population Policies
Measures taken by a government to influence population size, growth, distribution or composition.
These are population policies that are used to encourage people to have more children by offering incentives, such as financial payments. E.g. Singapore
An area which is said to have too many people for the resources available e.g housing.
Replacement Level
The average number of children required to be born, per woman, to ensure that population remains stable.
These are population policies that are used to encourage people to have fewer children by offering incentives such as free education for only their first child.