Key words Flashcards
When a person is treated differently on the basis of a personal characteristic. It doesn’t have to just be negatively, it can be positive. Can be direct (on purpose) or indirect (accidently)
Valuing diversity
valuing the differences in society so that everyone is able to make a contribution
don’t discriminate. Everyone should have the same opportunities
behaviour that intends to violate the dignity of a person with a protected characteristic or that intends to intimidate them
Positive action
The steps that can be taken to reduce discrimination + harassment and to promote equality and diversity
Protected characteristics
The characteristics people may have that they cannot be discriminated on the grounds of
The freedoms that every human is entitled to
What are the 9 protected characteristics?
- Age
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Marriage + civil partnership
- Pregnancy + maternity
- Race
- Religion + belief
- Sex
- Sexual orientation