Key thinkers big man John loke Flashcards
When was John Locke born and died
1632 Somerset
When was the English civil War (John Locke)
What side was Locke’s farther on during the English civil war
Parliamentary forces
Where was Lock when Charles 1 was executed
Across the road
What type of Liberal was John Locke
Classical Liberal
Who was Locke’s patreon
Antony Ashly Cooper - first Earl of Shafturbry
What was John Locke’s book written in 1667 and published in 1689
Freedom of Belief “A letter concerning toleration”
What was the other book published in 1689 by John Locke
Two Treatises of Government
What is the state of nature
When there were no humans but apes
the hypothetical life of people before societies came into existence
What was John Locke’s view of State of nature
Sate of nature was ok therefore any government that is worse than it, it’s the citizens obligation to overthrow the government and create a new one
What was Locke’s counter part on the state of nature named
Thomas Hobbes
What was Thomas Hobbes view on State of nature
‘solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short’
state of nature is a miserable state of war in which none of our important human ends are reliably realizable
What was John Locke’s book called published in 1683
Some thoughts concerning education
What did Locke think about experience & education
everything that we know today is based of experience, behavioural changes happed because of our experience
Latin music and arts should be changed to maths science
What did Locke thing about expericne
everything that we know today is based of experience, behavioural changes happed because of our experience
When was Mary Wollstonecraft born and died
When was the French revolution (Mary Wollstonecraft)
What type of liberal was Mary Wollstonecraft
Classical liberal
What where Mary’s wall stone crafts books called
Vindication of the rights of men 1790
Vindication of the rights of women 1791
When was JS Mill born (John Stuart mill)
Born - 1806
Died - 1873
What was important about JS Mill
He was the link between classical and modern liberalism
What was JS Mill’s book
On Liberty 1859
What was J.S. Mill’s thought on society
Utilitarian thought, Rational thought
What does Utilitarianism mean
Greatest good for the greatest number
What does negative Liberty mean
Absence of restraint
if its not specified as a law its not illegal
What was J.S. Mill’s ‘Harm Principle’
Individuals actions have to be tolerated (by the state) as long as it doesn’t harm others
What does J.S. Mills birth and death mean.
Lived through the latter parts of the industrial revolution and lots of social change.
What is Classical Liberalism
All about the Individual and what they can do by them selves without state intervention
What is Modern Liberalism
All about masses and how they should not be denied Liberty’s
(Ideas change as times goes on the approach after industrial revolution sides towards modern)
John Rawls Birth & death
Born - 1921
Death - 2002
John Rawls life events
Great depression 1929 – 1933
WW2 1939 - 1945 (holocaust)
Cold war 1947 – 1991
‘Swinging 60’s’ - Rule breaking
what type of liberal was John Rawls
Modern liberal
What was John Rawls book published in 1971
A Theory of Justice 1971
what did John Rawls book argue
Core principle of equality
Not just under the constitution & Law but greater social & economic equality
All lives could be fulfilled and rich within an enabling state with public spending
What was the Veil of Ignorance
Before Birth no one knows who they are. They lack clues as to their class, their privileges, their disadvantages, or even their personality.
If you were to make a society within the veil of ignorance you would make it fair
e.g. Slicing a cake and your have the last slice, you would make it as fair as possible
When was Betty Friedan Alive
born 1921
died 2006
Betty Friedan life events
Great depression 1929 – 1933
WW2 1939 - 1945 (holocaust)
Cold war 1947 – 1991
‘Swinging 60’s’ - Rule breaking
What was Betty Friedan’s book published 1963
Feminine Mystique
What was Betty Friedan’s main thoughts
Society is responsible for most of the problems about equality with gender, Women under achieve due to society.