Key thinker-John Locke Flashcards
Two Treatsies of government 1690
Lived to and from?
What went on in his lifetime that would shape his views
Execution of Charles III went on while he was studying in the library
Formed the idea that an individual had to overthrow the state if it did not serve them
Protestant and catholic tensioned led to the idea of tolerance
State of nature
Locke said the state if nature was pretty good and was underpinned by natural rights and natural liberties (right to property)
Idea that releates to liberal beliefs
Theory of religious tolerance
Social contract theory
A states citizens voluntarily consent to be apart of the state via participation (voting)
Limited government was the type of state locke envisioned what does this look like?
Limited to always representing the the interests of the people, confirmed by the dispersal of it’s powers :executive,legistlative and judiciary all be separated
What is the “true state”
One created by mankind to serve man kind which would arise from the consent of the governed
State of nature
Locke said the state of nature was pretty good and any state should be even better or it should be torn down