Key terms in Epidemiology Flashcards
a study that allows the comparison of the attributes of group of cases (Subject with the outcome of interest) to a group of controls (subjects without the outcome of interest)
Define epidemic
Refers to a disease or condition that affects a greater than expected number of individuals within a population, community, or region at the same time
The normal occurance of a disease or condition common to persons within a localized area
An epidemic that has become geographically widespread
Adjusted rate
A rate that is mathematically transformed to provide a summary rate for an observed population after differences in specified characteristics are removed
Attributalbe risk (AR)
The amount of risk in a comparison group that can be eliminated if the exposure of interest is removed from that group
Case definition
Characteristics or condition of an individual who will be concidered a case for the purpose of surveillance or reasearch
Cohort study
a study that compares subjects according to exposure status
**Dependent variable **
Something that we are studying, usually called “Outcome”
External validity
The extent towhich the (internally valid) results of a study can be generalized beyond the study sample or fir different people, places, or times
Follow-up period
The lenght of time that study subjects are monitored in a prospective cohort study.
Incidence rate
The number of new cases of disease in a specific time (Usually one year) divided by the popualtion at risk to develop the disease.
Independent variables
Risk factors or exposures that we think might affect the outcome