Key Terms for Midterm I Flashcards
One of the hills of Rome, would be come synonymous with the Plebs.
The hill upon which Rome was founded
The symbolic trench around a Roman city that delineates “inside” and “outside”. The first was legendarily plowed by Romulus.
One of the latin historians
Po Valley
The valley to the south east of the Alps
The mountain range that extends down the spine of Italy.
The region of North Western Italy inhabited by the Etruscans.
The free-born descendants of a common ancestor in the male line.
30 curia
Division of the people people into political units. Three tribes, 10 curia for each tribe.
comitia curiae
The earliest form of Roman assembly.
The supreme power, involving command in war and the interpretation and execution of law.
Tarquin the Elder
Fifth king of Rome. Etruscan.
Servius Tillus
Sixth king of Rome. Instituted the census, new tribal system, built Rome’s first wall. Started the timocratic system of government.
Tarquin the Younger
Assassinated Servius and was the last king of Rome. Raped Lucretia, who killed herself. Roman people revolted saying that virtue and kingship could not coexist.
6th century infantryman. Equipped with spear, shield and small sword. Made up the phalanx.
Instituted by Servius Tillus, it counted Roman citizens based upon wealth (the ability to arm themselves).
Comitia Centuria
Timocratic assembly of five graded property classes that voted on war, laws, the death penalty and elect senior magistrates.
Two chief annual civil and military magistrates.
A military leader elected by the senate in a time of crisis who had absolute imperium (usually a consul).
Latin League
Informal alliance between cities surrounding Rome.
Sabines, Aeqi, Volscians
Nearest hill tribes
Land owning Roman citizens not in the aristocracy.
The symbol of consicular power: a bundle of sticks with an ax protruding from the center.
Struggle of the Orders
Patricians vs the Plebs. Some plebs had enough wealth to supply hoplites, but could not gain the prestige of patrician because they weren’t in the right family. Plebs had no protection from the arbitrary power of consuls.
Instituted in 494 as the first victory of the Struggle of the Orders. These two men protected plebs from the consuls and could veto the consuls.
451(?) ten men appointed by senate to codify the law
Twelve Tables
Resulting written laws of the decemviri.
Military Tribune with Consicular Power
440’s senate stopped electing consuls in favor of these guys. Theoretically a pleb could hold this office.
Lician Rogens
Canceled much Roman debt, limits private ownership of the ager publicus, revived office if consul and opened it to the plebs (467)
Hill Tribes
From the Apennines. They were the first exterior military enemies of Rome. Rome allied with the Latin League. (5th century)
Closest Etruscan city. Rome invaded the city and failed until Furuios Camillus was elected dictator.
Furius Camillus
Dictator of the seige of Veii
8th century inhabitants of the Po Valley who subsisted from. Mixed agriculture and herding. When they fell on hard times they’d raid the Latins and Etruscans.
The first Tribe of Gauls to inhabit the Po Valley.
390 came from north and attacked Rome. They sacked the city and only left after being paid a ransom. This event terrified the Romans, becoming a major point in their history and in reaction they built a wall.
Elected magistrate
Ager Publicus
Public property won in war time. Came to be privately owned, a tension during the Struggle of the Orders.
civitas sine suffergio
A grade of Roman city-state in which a city was considered a part of Rome, but without the right to vote. They got Roman protection and laws.
Latin allies
Latin cities that rebelled against Rome in 390, causing Camillus to return from exile to be dictator.
Tribe from Southern Apennines often at odds with Rome.
P. Decimus Mus
341 defeats Latin allies and procures peace.
Roman Confederation
The cities under Roman protection in a system of graded citizenship. Consisted of Rome, Campiania and Samnites.
Citizens of Roman cities could make lawful deals with Romans.
Right to intermarriage between Romans and newly acquired cities.
socii latin nominis
A grade of citizenship in which the local government was retained and the inhabitants were considered aliens in Roman law. They had to follow Roman foreign policy and could only make contracts with Rome.
Second Samnite Wars
326-2: Rome attempted to conquer the hills, but their battle strategy didn’t work since the Samnites had no towns to protect. The Samnites defeated the Romans and negotiated a peace treaty.
Third Samnite War
316-04: Etruscans and other Southern Italians join Rome in defeating the Samnites.
Fourth Samnite War
299-90: Precipitated by Gauls entering the Po Valley. Samnites alley with new Gauls and defeat Romans in Umbria. In 295 P. Decimus sacrifices himself at Sentium. 290 Rome became allies with Samnites.
Gelius Egnatius
299 Samnite leader who allied with the Gauls.
295 climatic battle of the Fourth Samnite War in which P. Decimus Mus charged into battle and died.
Greek city-state in the arch of Italy. Taken by Pyrrhus of Epirus in 280, which lead to the Pyrrhiric War.
Greek city-state in Southern Italy that request Rome’s protection against Pyrrhus in 282.
280 Romans faced Pyrrhus here. They were severely defeated and fled, causing the Samnites to break from the Confederation.
Greek popular assembly