Key Terms Exam 3 Flashcards
System of interrelated abilities such as perception, reasoning, judgement, intuition, mood
- allows one to be aware of oneself in relation to others
Facet of cognition, retaining and recalling past experiences
Acute, cog impairment, rapid onset, caused by medical condition
Chronic cog impairment, slow onset, various causes
Tendency for an individuals mood to deteriorate and agitation to inc in the later part of the day, fading with light, or at night
Loss of language ability
Expressive aphasia
Cannot find words to express ideas
- Borca
Receptive aphasia
Cannot interpret what is said
Loss of purposeful movement
Loss of ability to recognize objects
Unconscious creation of stories or answers in place of actual memories to help maintain self esteem
Persistent repetition of a work, phrase, or gesture
Tendency to put things in mouth to taste or chew
Acute stress disorder
occurs within the first month of an extreme exposure to trauma
- sx begin 3 days to 1 month
Excessive anxiety or fear about being in places or situation from which escape might be difficult or embarrassing or where help might not be available
- feared places are avoided
- most severe and persistent phobia
Response to thoughts that bring up …
- apprehension, uneasiness, uncertainty, dread
—> from a real perceived threat (stressor)
Anxiety disorder
The emotions of the perceived threat/stressor remain even when it is now gone
Body dysmorphic disorder
Preoccupation w one or more perceived defects or flaws in physical appearance that are not observable or appear slight to others
- intrusive, unwanted, time-consuming, difficult to control
Repeated behaviors, ritualistic
- goal to prevent or relieve anxiety or distress
- repeated thoughts, activities, rituals
Defense mechanisms
Automatic coping skills that protect people from anxiety
- help to maintain self image by blocking: feelings, conflicts, memories
- healthy and unhealthy
- no always apparent
Excoriation disorder
recurrent skin picking
- mostly face, arms, hands
- a way to deal with stress and anxiety
Exposure therapy
exposure to a large amount of an undesirable stimuli
- learn through prolonged exposure that survival is possible and anxiety will diminish
generalized anxiety disorder
anxiety for more than 6 months
- excessive and persistent worry
Hoarding disorder
persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions, regardless of their value
- results in significant distress or impairment
Mild anxiety
occurs in normal experience of everyday living, typically provides motivation for survival
- heightened perceptual filed
- ability to work towards a goal
- mild tension relieving behaviors
Moderate anxiety
Obsessive compulsive disorder
narrowed perceptual field, hear/see less of what is going on, less able to pay attention
- not able to solve problems optimally, can follow directions
- sympathetic nervous system –> voice tremors, shaking, inc HR
unwanted, intrusive, persistent thoughts, impulses, or images that persist and recur so they they cannot be dismissed form the mind even when ind attempts
- not consistent with the ind self perception or usual thought pattern
most extreme level of anxiety
- unable to process, focus is lost, disorganized and irrational thinking
- experience of terror, unintelligible communication or inability to speak
Panic disorder
chronic condition that has several exacerbations
- panic attacks, sudden onset of apprehension or fear
- impending doom
- anticipatory and avoidance
Post traumatic stress disorder
result of specific types of trauma
- direct experience, witness in person, learning about event
- results in re-experiencing, avoidance, arousal and reactivity, cognitive and mood
Separation anxiety disorder
normal part of infant development that can become inappropriate levels of concern over being separated
- sleep disturbances, nightmares, physical sx
Severe anxiety
greatly reduced perceptual field, focuses on details, attention scattered
- problem solving feels impossible, unable to see connections
- may be dazed and confused
- sense of impending doom, more intense somatic pains
Social anxiety disorder
severe anxiety provoked by exposure to a social or a performance situation that could be evaluated negatively by others
- can worry for weeks or days
Specific phobia
persistent irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a desire for avoidance of that object, activity or situation
- provokes immediate fear or anxiety
- fear is out of proportion to actual danger
Systematic desensitization
gradual introduction to the feared object or experience through a series of steps
- taught to use relaxation techniques
recurrent hair pulling from any region of the body
- pain from hair pulling reduces their anxiety
- unnoticed behavior until notice wad of hair
ability to adapt to change or adversity
- inner strength, healthy coping strategies, able to reach out for support
play therapy
vehicle for change, expression of feelings, trust, relationship building
- cannot be standardized, used for younger children
tic disorder
sudden nonrhythmic and rapid motor movements or vocalizations
intellectual developmental disorder
deficits in intellectual, social, and daily functioning
- decrease IQ level
autism disorder
deficits in social interactions and relationships
- stereotypical repetitive speech/behavior, obsessive focus on specific objects, over adherence to routines, rituals, problems with sensory input, resists change
Persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness that is pervasive and inappropriate for developmental level
- at least 2 settings
- hyperactivity-impulsivity, inattentive, combined
oppositional defiant disorder
Defiant, vindictive, irritable, angry
- can’t be told no
- exceed boundaries
- typically outgrow
conduct disorder
Violation of basic rights of others, aggressive behavior towards people/animals, destruction of property
- basic rights of societal norms are repeatedly violated
- unmanageable, lack empathy, mad they got caught
Adjustment disorder
Emotional or behavioral reaction within 3 months of exposure to stressor
- reaction is out of proportion
- symptoms end by 6 months
- ex: divorce, death, retirement
Reactive attachment disorder
Child does not have healthy relationship with parent/s
- withdrawal, no response when comfort is given, watching others and not engaging, failure to reach out when picked up
Disinhibited social engagement
Child inappropriately interacts with unfamiliar adults
- first 2 years of life
- reduced reservation, violates boundaries, doesn’t check back with caregiver, willing to with unfamiliar people
Physical abuse
Infliction of physical pain or bodily harm
Sexual abuse
Sexual contact or exposure without consent or incapable of giving consent
Emotional abuse
Undermining someone’s self worth
Economic abuse
Controlling a person’s access to economic resources making an individual financially dependent
Failure to provide physical, emotional, educational, and medical needs
Crisis situation
Situation that puts stress on a family with a violent member
- lack of impulse control, problem-solving skills, healthy support system
Any member of a household who is violent toward another member
Vulnerable person
Family member upon whom abuse is perpetrated
Survivor (vs victim)
Recognizes the recovery and healing process that follows victimization and does not have a connotation of passivity
Safety plan
A plan in place for when an escape is necessary (inc in aggression) such as a safe house, shelter that can provide resources
Cycle of abuse
Repetition of three phases that occur during abuse
- inc chances of dec in calm stages, inc: intensity, depression, hopelessness, immobilization, self deprecation
Tension building
Minor incidents such as pushing, shoving, verbal abuse
- victim reduces tension by ignoring, accepting, or excusing behavior out of fear (should have done this)
- abuses reduces tension by rationalizing behavior such as it was alc or drugs made me do it
Acute battering
The tension peaks intense abuse results
- triggered by event of abuser’s emotional state
- “victim provokes”
Honeymoon stage
Tension reduces
- abuser apologizes and is remorseful buying gifts, etc.
- victim is needed and loved again resulting in hopefulness, abandons legal plans
Primary prevention
Measures taken to prevent the occurrence of abuse
- reducing stress and the influence of risk factors, inc social supports, coping skills, self esteem
Secondary prevention
Early intervention in a suite situation
- screening programs for all at risk, medical treatment for injuries, coordination of community services
Tertiary prevention
Occurs in MH setting, nurse facilitates healing and rehabilitation
- counseling, support groups, assisting survivals, legal advocacy programs h
Sexual assault
Unwanted sexual advances/harassment to rape
Attempted rape
Threats of rape or intention to rape that is unsuccessful
Completed rape
Penetration, no matter how slight of the vagina or anus with any body parts or object or oral penetration by a sex without consent
Feeling like the world is dreamlike, distant, distorted
Feeling like they are living in a dream
An auction or behavior that results in verbal or physical attack
- intended to threaten or injure the victim’s security, self esteem
An emotional response to frustration of desires, a threat to one’s needs or a challenge
- an emotion that most have the ability to appropriately express
Chemical restraint
Medication to restrict a client’s movement or behavior
- temporary sedation to restrict movement in case of potential harm
- doesn’t apply to single dosage for emergency management
De-escalation techniques
Maintain positive self esteem and dignity
Calmness, calm clear voice
Assess pt and situation
Identify stressors, indicators
respond as early as possible
Invest time
Be honest
Determine what the patient needs
Avoid invading personal space esp in times of high anxiety
Avoid arguing
Give several clear options
Don’t take chances, maintain personal safety
Physical restraints
Any manual method that immobilizes or reduces the ability of a patient to move arm, leg, body or head freely
Precipitating factors
Involuntary confinement of a patient alone in a room or area from which the patient is physically prevented from leaving
- goal is SAFETY
- used for management of violent or self destructive behavior
Objectionable act that involves intentional use of force that results in or has the potential to result in injury to another individual
Medical mimics
Disorders that present with psychiatric six directly resulting from an underlying medical condition
Diagnostic overshadowing
attributing sx of a physical illness to the mental illness
Mental disorder due to another medical condition
Mental health symptoms that are secondary to a medical condition
Substance/medication induced disorders
Mental health sx that are caused by substance abuse or medication (polypharm, intoxication, withdrawal)
unconscious motivation to feel caring and concern for others
- compulsively resuce animals to their detriment
used to counterbalance perceived deficiencies by emphasizing strengths
- drinks alc when self esteem is low
unconscious transformation of anxiety into physical sx
- blind after trauma event
escaping unpleasant, anxiety causing thoughts etc, by ignoring exsistence
- talk about someone who died in the present tense
transference of emotions associated with particular person, object, or situation to another non threatening person
- child scared of father but says scared of animals
- child yells at teddy bear
disruption in consciousness, memory, identity, perception of the environment that results in compartmentalizing uncomfortable or unpleasant aspects
- ignore distractions and become absorbed in work
- disconnected from reality
attributing to oneself the characteristics of another person or group, may be done consciously or unconsciously
- dressing up like teacher, or drug dealer
events are analyzed based on remote, cold facts and without passion, rather than incorporating feeling and emotion into the processing
- lead child to safety in dangerous situation
- ignoring grief by focusing on smaller tasks
unconscious rejection of emotionally unacceptable features and attributing them to others
- refuse to socialize with other women bc of repressed attraction
unacceptable feelings or behaviors are controlled and kept out of awareness by developing the opposite emotion or behavior
- recovering alc talking about the evils of drinking
- hovering mother preventing normal development
reverting to an earlier, more primitive and childlike pattern of behavior
- loses promotion starts being bad worker
unconscious exclusion of unpleasant or unwanted experiences, emotions, or ideas from conscious awareness
- after fight, forget bday
- unable to enjoy sex after partner pushed her bringing up trauma from childhood
inability to integrate the positive and negative qualities of oneself or others into a cohesive image
- initially values friends then disillusioned when they have flaws
unconscious process of transforming negative impulses into less damaging and even productive impulse
- anger with boss = clean house
- always constructive
conscious decision to delay addressing a disturbing situation or feeling
- wait until after event to deal with problem
- ignores lump in breast to go on 3 wk vacay
person makes up for a regrettable act or communication
- after flirting with coworker, man brings wife present
- wash hands to gain composure around women bc desire repressed sexuality