Key Terms Exam 2 Flashcards
person’s emotional state or feelings expressed in own words
- doc pt description
observed responsiveness of a person’s emotional state
rapid, extreme mood swings
- irritability or sudden outburst of misplaced rage
loss of interest or pleasure
- especially in things that you like
psychomotor retardation
visible slowing of the physical activity such as movement and speech
- mental cause
- associated with severe depression
psychomotor agitation
an inc in activity brought on by mental tension
- associated with agitated depression
hypertensive crisis
180/120 with sx
- occipital ha, palpitations, N/V, sweating, dilated pupils, neck stiffness, photophobia, cardiac disturbances
medical emergency characterized by
- digfast (distractibility, indiscretion, grandiosity, flight of ideas, activity increase, sleep deficit, talkativeness)
similar to mania but lasts for a shorter period of time and slightly more mild
rapid cycling
four or more manic episodes for at least two weeks
multiple hypomanic sx but no episodes
- fluctuating hypomania and depressive episodes
flat or blunted emotion
reduction in circulating granulocytes and dec production with limits ability to fight off infection
anticholinergic side effect
dry mouth, constipation, hot, sweating, urinary retention, blurred vision, tachycardia, memory impairment
little emotion
feeling of inner restlessness that can be manifested as excessive pacing
brief and lack of content verbal responses
- not able to elaborate
presence of two opposing forces, leading to inaction, cant decide and get stuck
inability to realize you are ill
- caused by illness itself
inability to complete projects, assignments, work
fully concious
purposeless activity
waxy flexing
extremely detailed and lengthy talk about a topic
eventually gets to the point
clang associations
repetition of words that are similar in sound but in no other way
- heard the bell, well hell then i fell
command hallucinations
auditory hallucinations in the form of commands
- are you hearing voices? what are the voices telling you to do?
concrete thinking
inability to think abstractly
delusional disorder
erroneous fixed beliefs that cannot be changed by reasonable argument
repetition of another’s words
- pathological repetition of another’s word
involuntary imitation of another’s movement or gesture
extrapyramidal side effects
acute dystonia
tardive dyskinesia
caused by antipsychotics
flight of ideas
topic of conversation changes repeatedly and rapidly with only superficial associative connectedness
- buisness –> economy –> government
perceptual experiences that occur without actual external stimuli that can include all five sense
- auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory, gustatory
sustained attention to external stimuli
- waiting for something to happen
loose associations
absence of normal connectedness of thought, ideas, topics
made up words that have meaning to the patient only
neuroleptic malignant syndrome
serious and potentially fatal reaction to antipsycotics
- dehydration and warm climate can lead to it
- fever (103-105), sweating, muscle rigidity, liable BP, tachycardia/pnea
an irrational fear ranging from mild to profound
- suspciousness that is unrealistic
positive sx
sx that should not be there
- hallucinations
- delusions
- disorganized behavior
- disorganized speech
negative sx
sx that should be there but arent
- affective flattening or blunting, ambivalence, alogia, avolition, anhedonia, asociality (dec desire for or comfort during social interactions)
state in which ind is experiencing hallucinations, delusions, or disorganized thoughts, speech, behavior
sx of mental illness rather than a mental illness itseld
pressured speech
words being forced out
extremely detailed and lengthy talk
never gets to the point
tardive dyskinesia
involuntary movement disorder that occurs with long term antipsychotic use (may not be reversible)
- occurs only when patient is awake
- typically orofacial
spasmodic and painful spasms of muscles
- head pulled to one side
repetition of the same word or sound over and over again
waxy flexibility
posture held in fixed position
word salad
string of words totally unconnected, jumble of meaningless words
head and heels arch backward in extreme hyperextension and the body forms a reverse bow
oculogyric crisis
eyes roll back towards the head
oral facial muscle spasm
treat as emergency because can progress to more severe
spasms of throat impairing breathing and swallowing
parkinsonian reaction
stimulates parkinson but is reversible
- tremors of hands and arms, rigid arms and shoulders, bradykinesia, hypersalivation, shuffling gait
dry mouth
believe they have exceptional powers, wealth, skills, influence, destiny
believe one is dead or a disaster is impending
believe they are being watched, plotted against, ridiculed
believe in abnormalities of body function or structure
special relationship w God or on a mission for him or they are the biggest sinner
believe newspapers, TV shows, or songs are directly specifically towards them
thought blocking
takes a while to begin talking or abruptly stops and is unable to remember what they were saying
thought broadcasting
believe other people are able to read your mind
thought withdrawal
believes people are stealing your thoughts
- typically government agencies
thought insertion
thoughts are being replaced by outsiders, like by satan
conclusion reached that do not follow logically
expression of stress though physical sx that are manifestations of pschyological and emotional distress
holistic approach
multidimensional interplay of biological, psychological and sociocultural needs
primary gain
primarily relief from emotional conflict and freedom from anxiety
internal relief
secondary gain
relief of responsibility
external relief
labelle’s indifference
absence of psychological distress despite having serious medical illness
- commonly associated with conversion disorder
concious fabrication of illness or exaggeration of sx for secondary gain
body dysmorphic disorder
preoccupation with an imagined defect of appearance
loss of menstrual periods in females after puberty
binge eating
eating more than 1500 cals in less than 2 hours
body mass index
gauge used to determine the severity of the eating disorder
eating disorder
consistently eating below or above caloric needs to maintain a healthy weight
- occurs without hunger or fails to produce satiety
downy growth of body hair on the face and back
ingestion of substances that have no nutritional value
self induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, enemas
refeeding syndrome
potential complication that results of eating too much too soon resulting in shift in electrolytes
rumination disorder
undigested food being returned to the mouth rechewed, reswallowed, or spit out
russells sign
callusues and or scars on the knuckles of hands from self induced vomiting
comfortable fullness