Key Terms - CVS Flashcards
Acute coronary syndrome
Range of life threatening conditions from unstable angina to a large MI
Force that the heart has to work against
Angina pectoris (angina)
Pain or discomfort in the chest resulting from myocardial ischaemia. May also radiate to the arm or shoulder region
Aortic stenosis
Narrowing of the aortic valve
Slower than normal heart rate
Pressure receptor. The arterial baroreceptors are high pressure sensors located in the aortic arch
A substance which alters the rhythm of the heart a positive chronotrope increases heart rate
Coarctation of the aorta
Discrete narrowing of the aorta near to the site of ductus arteriosus. It can be either predictable or postductal common
Contractility of the aorta
A discrete narrowing of the aorta near to the site of the ductus arteriosus. It can be pre or post ductus
Blue colorisation of the skin or mucous membrane due to high circulating levels of deoxygenating haemoglobin in arterial blood pressure
Phase of the cardiac cycle when the ventricles are filling relaxed
Abnormal awareness of breathlessness
Hydrostatic pressure
The pressure in a fluid which exerts a force on the walls of the structure or vessel containing that fluid
An increase in organ size due to an increase in cell numbers
An increase in organ size due to an increase in cell size (e.g. cardiac enlargement)
Substance which alters the force of contraction of the heart a positive inotrope increases force of contraction by increasing cardiac motility
Mitral valve
The left atrioventricular valve
Mitral stenosis
Narrowing of the opening of the mitral valve
A sound to due to turbulent blood flow heard on auscultation of the heart or ablood vessel
Myocardial iscahemia
Shortage of blood to a region of the heart usually as a result of partial occlusion of coronary artery
Myocardial infarction
Irreversible necrosis of heart tissue due to obstruction of a coronary vessel
Oncosis pressure
The component of osmotic pressure due to large non diffusible molecules such as plasma proteins artificial given as plasma expanders also contribute to oncotic pressure
Sensation of laboured breathing whilst lying flat
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspoea
Severe breathlessness which wakens patient from sleep
Related to end diastolic volume and end diastolic pressure greater venous return
Pulmonic stress
Stenosisof pulmonary valve
Phase of cardiac cycle when the ventricles are contracting
A higher than normal heart rate