Key Terms - Chapter 4 Flashcards
The end of a pregnancy before the fetus is viable, spontaneous or elective
Alternative Therapy
Forms of therapy that generally replace of substitute for traditionally accepted western practice
Before the onset of of labour
Aortocaval Compression
A condition that occurs when a pregnant women lies in the supine position which allows the heavy uterus to compress her inferior vena cava, reducing the amount of blood returned to her heart. (supine hypotension)
Braxton Hicks Contractions
Intermittent contractions of the uterus, false labour
Chadwicks Sign
A violet-blue colour of the vaginal mucous membrane caused by increased vascularity. probable sign of pregnancy, visible in fourth week of pregnancy.
A yellow-brown pigmentation over the bridge of the nose and cheeks during pregnancy and in some women who are taking oral contraceptive
A secretion from the breast before the onset of true lactation, high protein, immunal properties, cleanses newborns intestinal tract of mucus and meconium
Estimated date of birth
The estimated due date
Gestational Age
The actual time, from conception to birth, that fetus remains in the uterus
Goodwell sign
A probable sign of pregnancy occurring during the second month of pregnancy that involves a softening of the cervix
The number of times women has been pregnant
Hegar Sign
A probable sign of pregnancy that involves softening of the lower uterine segment found on palpation in the second or third month of pregnancy
The time of onset of true labour, followed by the birth of the newborn and the placenta
The process of producing an supplying breast milk