Key terms Flashcards
What is the term used when an older adults is turned down for a job because of their age?
what is the term used when a patient is given a choice of treatment?
What is the term used when a child is smacked by a nursery worker?
What is equality?
treating people fairly, people not being discriminated, treating people according to their needs, all people given the same opportunities
What is diversity?
recognition of differences, differences are valued, accessing and respecting individual differences e.g. faith, diet & language
What are rights?
what individuals are entitled to, rights are given by law
what is discriminatory behaviour?
treating someone differently because of a specified characteristic, e.g. racism, ageism
What term is used to describe someone who is less able to protect themselves from harm due to, for example a mental health problem?
What is legislation?
provides a framework for an individual to obtain their rights
What term is used to describe when a persons opinions and views are sought?
what term is used to describe when someone speaking on behalf of a service user?
What does paramount mean?
when something is of the highest importance
What is an ethnic minority group?
people living in a country where another cultural or ethnic groups is in the majority, people who differ in race from the dominant group of the country in which they live
What are examples of early years settings?
nursery, child minder, creche, playgroup, sure start centre
What are examples of health settings?
doctors surgery, hospital, dentist, nursing home
What are examples of social settings?
day centre, residential home, retirement home, support group, social services office