Key Terms Flashcards
A measure of how common or rare a particular type of organism is in a given environment
Activation energy
The minimum amount of energy needed for a given chemical reaction to take place
Active site
The site on an enzyme where the reactants bond
Active transport
The movement of substances from a dilute solution to a more concentrated solution against a concentration gradient, requiring energy from respiration
Special features that make an organism particularly prepared for living in the certain environment where it lives
Anti-Diuretic hormone that helps control the water balance of the body and affects the amount of urine produced by the kidney
Aerobic respiration
An exothermic in which glucose in broken down using oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water and release energy for the cells
Simple aquatic organisms (protista) that make their own food by photosynthesis
Different forms of the same gene sometimes referred to as variants
Tiny air sacs in the lungs that increase the surface area for gaseous exchange
Amino acids
Molecules made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen that are the building blocks of proteins
Enzyme that speeds up the digestion of starch into sugars
Anaerobic respiration
An exothermic reaction in which glucose in taken and broken down in the absence of oxygen to produce lactic acids in animals and ethanol and carbon dioxide in yeast and plants. The amount of energy released by this in comparison to aerobic respiration is very little
The artery that leaves the heart from the left ventricle and carries oxygenated blood to the body
Insects that penetrate the plant phloem and feed on the dissolved food. They act as plant pathogens and are also vectors that carry pathogenic viruses, bacteria, and fungi into healthy plant tissues
One of three domains, containing primitive forms of bacteria that can live in many of the extreme environments of the world
Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. They usually carry oxygenated blood and have a pulse
Asexual reproduction
Involves only one Individual and the offspring is identical to the parent. There is no fusion of gametes or mixing of genetic information
The upper chambers of the heart
A plant hormone that controls the responses of the plants to light (geotropism) and to gravity (gravitropism)
Single-celled prokaryotic organisms