Key Terms Flashcards
study of blood moving through the circulatory system
indicates the volume of blood moving during a particular time
indicates the speed or swiftness of a fluid moving from one location to another
Laminar vs. turbulentLaminar
when the flow streamlines are aligned and parallel
Laminar vs. turbulentTurbulent
chaotic flow patterns in many different directions and at many speeds
Reynolds number
predicts whether flow is laminar or turbulent, unit less number
Forms of energy
kinetic, pressure, and gravitational
Energy losses in circulation
viscous loss, frictional loss, and inertial loss
narrowing in the lumen of a vessel
Bernoulli’s principle:
relationship between velocity and pressure in a moving fluid
Ohm’s law
pressure gradient = flow x resistance
Venous hemodynamics
normal function = low pressure, partially filled with blood and only partial expanded
Hydrostatic pressure
pressure related to the weight of blood pressing on a vessel measured at a height above or below heart level
Doppler frequency
the change in frequency
Frequency shift
created when transmitted sound waves strike moving red blood cells
Speed vs. velocitySpeed
purely magnitude, indicates the distance that red blood cells moves in 1 second
Speed vs. velocityVelocity
defined by a magnitude and a direction, length of arrow indicates magnitude and angle indicates direction
Doppler equation
Doppler shift = 2 x velocity x transducer frequency x cos / propagation speed
Sound beam direction vs. flow direction
Doppler shift represents 100% of true velocity when blood flow is parallel to sound beam. When there is an angle, Doppler measures less than the true velocity
Bidirectional Doppler
distinguish the flow to and away from transducer, positive toward, negative away
Continuous wave Doppler
two crystals, one constantly transmits and one constantly receives
Pulsed wave Doppler
one pzt is necessary, alternated between sending and receiving sound pulses
- Aliasing: false: identity, high velocity in one direction are incorrect, flow above baseline, bottom part of spectrum
Nyquist limit
high Doppler frequency or velocity that can be measuring without the appearance of aliasing, top of spectrum