Key terms Flashcards
Hormone released by the pituitary gland that stimulates the adrenal glands to release adrenaline into the bloodstream
action potential
A spike in electric charge in an axon caused by ions crossing the cell membrane.
autonomic nervous system
Sub-division of the peripheral nervous system that controls involuntary responses like breathing and heart rate
A single long slender fiber that carries the nerve impulse away from the cell body
axon terminal
The end of the axon that contains neurotransmitters and makes synaptic contact with the next neuron in the chain
central nervous sytem
Sub-system of the nervous system that consists of the brain and spinal cord
Hold the genetic material that is passed between parents and offspring. Humans have 23 pairs
cognitive neuroscience
An academic field that studies the influence of brain structures on mental processes using techniques such as brain scans
concordance rates
The extent to which both twins share the same characteristic
Root like structures protruding from the cell body that receive signals from other neurons
endocrine system
A collection of organs that secrete hormones into the blood stream
Occurs when a link between a neurotransmitter and receptor site in a synapse makes the receptor site’s cell more likely to act
A person’s unique genetic make-up that is coded in their chromosomes and fixed at conception
Biochemical substances that circulate in the bloodstream in order to target specific organs
Part of the brain that links the nervous system to the endocrine system. Releases hormones that stimulate the pituitary gland
occurs when a link between a neurotransmitter and receptor site in a synapse makes the receptor site’s cell less likely to act.
motor neuron
Carries signals from the central nervous system to internal organs and muscles
myelin sheath
A fatty layer that protects the exon and speeds up the electrical transmission of the nerve impulse
nervous sytem
Bodily system consisting of central nervous system and peripheral nervous system that provides rapid responses to stimuli
Cells within the nervous system that process and transmit messages
Chemicals that transfer signals from one neuron to another across the synapses that lie between them
parasympathetic nervous sytem
Sub-division of the autonomic nervous system that controls the ‘rest and digest’ response
peripheral nervous system
Sub-system of the nervous system that transmits messages from the body to the central nervous system and back again
pituatary gland
The ‘master gland’ of the endocrine system which is located in the brain and controls the release of hormones from other glands
post synaptic receptor sites
In the dendrites of the receiving neuron, they take up the neurotransmitter once it has crossed the synaptic gap
relay neuron
Carries signals between sensory and motor neurons or connect to other relay neurons within the central nervous system
sesnory neuron
Carries signals from the senses to the central nervous system
somatic nervous system
Sub-division of the peripheral nervous system that controls muscle movement and receives information from sensory receptors
Anything in the environment detectable by the senses e.g. sound, smell
sympathetic nervous system
Sub-division of the autonomic nervous system that controls the ‘fight or flight’ response
The tiny gap between one neuron and the next
synaptic transmission
The way that signals between neurons are transmitted chemically across the synaptic gap