Key Terms Flashcards
Autonomic nervous system. Must know
Carries mess to brain and spinal cord. Sensory nerve. Controls involuntary body function of muscles glands and internal organs
Afferent nerves. Must know
Sensory nerves that responsible for detecting sensory info from environment and inside body and brining it to the CNS for interpretation
central nervous system ( CNS)
Consist of brain and spinal cord
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Fluid in the subarachnoid space of the meninges and central canal of spinal cord
Efferent nerves. Must know
Motor nerves. Carries message away from the brain and spinal cord
Meninges. Must know
Membranes that protect the brain and spinal cord
A chemical within the vesicles of synaptic knob that is released into the post synaptic structure when nerve impulses reaches the synaptic knob
Abnormal sensation burning and tingling
Peripheral nervous system (PNS) Must know
Consist of nerves that branches off the central nervous system. (CNS). Cranial spinal and autonomic nerves
Plexus. Must know
Large interlacing network of nerves. Includes cervical brachial lumbosacral
Sympathetic division
Division of autonomic nerve system (ANS) prepares organs for fight or flight. Stressful situations
Parasympathetic division
Division of the (ANS) prepares body for rest and digestion
Cell body. Must know
Part of a nerve that contains the nucleus
Ganglion. Must know
Collection of nerve cell bodies in the PNS
Hypothalamus. Must know
Portion of the brain beneath the thalamus. Controls sleep appetite body temp. And secretions from pituitary gland
Motor nerve. Must know
Efferent nerve
Myelin sheath. Must know
Covering of white fatty tissues that surrounds and insulate the axon of a nerve cell. Myelin speeds impulse conduction along axons
Neuron. Must know
Nerve cell that carries impulses throughout the body. Parenchyma of the nervous system
Parasympathetic nerves. Must know
Involuntary autonomic nerves that regulate normal body function such as heart rate breathing and muscles of gastrointestinal tract
Receptor. Must know
Organ that receives a nervous stimulus and passes it on to affrent nerves. Skin ears eyes and taste buds are receptors
Vagus nerve. Must know
10th cranial nerve. Its branches reach to the larynx trachea bronchi lungs aorta esophagus and stomach