key quotes Flashcards
algy: “the truth is rarely pure and …
algy: “the truth is rarely pure and never simple. Modern life would be very tedious if it were either”
algy: “the amount of women who flirt with…
algy: “the amount of women who flirt with their own husbands is scandalous. It is simply washing ones clean linen in public”
algy: “it is improtant not to keep a business …
algy: “it is improtant not to keep a business engagement if one wants to retan any sense of beauty of life”
gwen to jack: “few parents nowadays pay any regard to what…
gwen to jack: “few parent nowadays pay any regard to what their children say to them. The oldfashioned respect for the young is fast dying out”
cecily to gwen: “flowers are as common in…
cecily to gwen: “flowers are as common in the country as people are in london”
algy and bracknell “i hear her hair has…
algy and bracknell “i hear her hair has turned quite gold from grief”
algy to jack “one must be serious about…
algy to jack “one must be serious about something if one wants to have any amusement in life”
bracknell “long engagements give people the oppurtunity …
bracknell “long engagements give people the oppurtunity of finding out eachothers character before marriage, which is never advisable”
gwen “in matters of grave importance…
gwen “in matters of grave importance, style not sincerity is the vital thing”
algy to jack: “women only call eachother…
algy to jack: “women only call eachother sister after they have clled eachother a lot of other things first”
bracknell to cecily: “the 2 weak points of our age…
bracknell to cecily: “the 2 weak points of our age are want of principale and want of profile..”
algy to jack “the way to behave to a woman is to…
algy to jack “the way to behave to a woman is to make love to her if she is pretty, and to someone else if she is plain”
gwen and cecily to algy and jack “there is something…
gwen and cecily to algy and jack “there is something in that name that inspires absolute confindence”
algy to jack: “all women become like their …
algy to jack: “all women become like their mothers - that iw their tradgedy. No man does. That is his”
algy to jack: “in married life three is …
algy to jack: “in married life three is company and two is none”
bracknell to algy: “never speak disrespectfully of …
bracknell to algy: “never speak disrespectfully of society. Only people that cant get into it do that”
cecily to algy “an engagement is hardly a …
cecily to algy “an engagement is hardly a serious one that has not been broken off atleast once”
gwen to cecily “my first impressions of …
gwen to cecily “my first impressions of people are never wrong”
algy to jack “girls never marry the men…
algy to jack “girls never marry the men the flirt with. Girls dont think it right”
jack “when one is in town one amuses…
jack “when one is in town one amuses oneself. when one is in the country one amuses other people. It is excessively boring”
algy: “if i ever get marred, ill…
algy: “if i ever get married, ill certainly try to forget that fact”
algy: “divorses are …
algy: “divorces are made in heaven”
jack: “well my name is earnest in…
jack: “well my name is earnest in the town and jack in the country”
bracknell “your uncle would have to …
bracknell “your uncle would have to dine upstairs, fortunately he is accustomed to that”
gwen: “certainly…
gwen: “certainly mama [gwen remains behind]”
gwen: “my ideal has always been…
gwen: “my ideal has always been to love somebody of the name earnest”
jack: “never met…
jack: “never met such a gorgon”
jack: “you can put up my dress…
jack: “you can put up my dress clothes… and all my Bunbury suits”
algy: “[algy lights a cigarette, reads his…
algy: “[algy lights a cigarette, reads his shirt cuff, and smiles]”
cecily: “i hope you have not been leading a …
cecily: “i hope you have not been leading a double life, pretending to be wicked and being really good all the time”
cecily: “[puts her hand over it] a girls record of her…
cecily: “[puts her hand over it] a girls record of her own thoughts and impressions, and consequently meant for publication”
algy: “my letters! but my own…
algy: “my letters! but my own sweet Cecily, i have never written you any letters”
cecily: “earnest proposed to me …
cecily: “earnest propsed to me exactly 10 minutes ago [shows diray]”
fashionable anymore […put four lumps …
gwen: “sugar is not fashionable anymore […put four lumps of sugar into the cup]”
jack: “a man may eat his…
jack: “a man may eat his own muffins in his own garden”
bracknell: “when i married Lord Bracknell i had no…
bracknell: “when i married Lord Bracknell i had no fortune of any kind. But i never dreamed for a moment of allowing that to stand in my way”
prism:”i deposited the manuscript in…
prism:”i deposited the manuscript in the bassinette, and placed the baby in the handbag”
jack: “then i have a brother after…
jack: “then I have a brother after all! … i always sid i had a brother”
jack: “his name would appear…
jack: “his name would appear in the army lists of the period”
Gwendolen (climax)
“I am afraid it is quite clear, Cecily, that…”
“I am afraid it is quite clear, Cecily, that neither of us is engaged to be married to anyone”
comedy climax
jack - “This ghastly state of…”
Algy - “Yes, and a …”
jack - “This ghastly state of things is what you call Bunburying, I suppose?”
Algy - “Yes, and a perfectly wonderful Bunbury it is”
“[enter Jack slowly from the back of the…]”
“[enter Jack slowly from the back of the garden. He is dressed in the deepest mourning, with crape hatband and black gloves]”
“[… the presence of the servants…]”
“[… the presence of the servants exercises a retraining influence, under which both girls chafe]”
“[the girls move towards each other…]”
“[the girls move towards each other and put their arms around each others waists as if for protection]”
women unite against the deceit of the men (danger)
“[picks up books and throws….]. Horrid political ….”
“[picks up books and throws them back on the table] Horrid political economy! Horrid geography? horrid horrid German!”