Key Question 7: Co-operation and Reconciliation Flashcards
How did Eastern Europe advance the downfall of communism?
- Free elections in Poland led to a loss of control,
- Violent overthrow of the communist government in Bulgaria.
How did the USSR advance the downfall of communism?
- Corruption within the USSR- hiding errors.
- 1985 President of the USSR Gorbachev’s Perestroika and Glasnost policies- more relaxed.
How did the West advance the downfall of communism?
1980 US President Ronald Reagan opposed communism strongly and was determined to eradicate the philosophy.
What was Perestroika?
Mikhail Gorbachev’s policy to allow fair voting.
What was Glasnost?
Mikhail Gorbachev’s policy to increase freedom for citizens within the USSR.
How did civilian people oppose and further the downfall of communism?
- A distrust and dislike of censorship and spying
- East German peaceful revolt in 1989
What were social conditions like in communist countries in the later stages of the USSR?
High Crime rate, alcoholism and drug abuse.
When was the Chernobyl meltdown and what did it cause?
1986- A feeling of mistrust and reduced support of nuclear weapons in Eastern Europe.
What economic reasons furthered the downfall of communism?
- Out of date (insufficient) mines and factories
- Poverty or reduced wealth in communist nations
- USSR’s invasion of Afghanistan (1979) losing money.
What did Egon Krenz want to do?
Make changes in Eastern Germany for communism to survive.
How did Egon Krenz change Eastern Europe?
Decided to reduce paperwork and visas for people moving from East to West Germany (more freedom)
Who was Gunter Schabowski?
East German spokesman who frequently presented television.
What happened on November 9, 1989?
Gunter Schabowski issued a statement for Egon Krenz about greater freedom of movement from Eastern Germany to Western Germany.
How did Gunter Schabowski bring an end to the Berlin wall?
He failed to read hist notes from chancellor krenz and suggested that laws for greater freedom were active immediately. Thousands of Berliners then ran to the border (the wall).
Why did the berlin wall directly fall?
Guards were confused between orders, crowds and Schabowski message. Crowds began to chip through the wall. The German government decided to avoid a thousand strong crush to open the border.
What was the reunification of Germany?
The process of making Germany one not East and West.
Who made Germany’s reunification possible?
Mikhail Gorbachev (leader of the USSR) and Helmut Kohl (West German chancellor).
Who was Helmut Kohl?
Doctor of Political Science and West German chancellor in 1983. Also, the first chancellor of a unified Germany.
How did Helmut Kohl attempt to preempt and support the German reunification?
- Strong relations between the French and US Presidents
- 1987 meeting to begin to build ties between East and West Europe and work together.
How many countries did the USSR at one point control?
15 different countries
When does Mikhail Gorbachev become USSR president?
Who started the downfall of the USSR?
Poland and Czechoslovakia left the USSR followed by many other countries.
Who is Yeltsin?
Russian leader during Gorbachev being leader of the USSR?
What does Yeltsin do in Russia?
Attempts to open up a free market but this goes wrong and anger leads to Yeltsin killing those who disagree with him.
When is the cold war over?
When the USSR no longer controls anyone and is therefore dissolved.