Key Question 3: Life under the Nazis Flashcards
What did Nazi propaganda promote?
The Aryan race, Fuhrer Cult and German greatness.
Who was Joseph Goebbels?
The Minister of Enlightenment and Propaganda?
When was Goebbels appointed minister?
By what mediums did the Nazi party spread their ideals?
Posters, Newspapers, Films, Rallies and Radio
What is a key example of Nazi influence in newspapers?
Der Sturmer- warning Germans of the Jewish kidnapping children
What is a key example of Nazi influence in film?
The ‘Triumph of the Will’- 1934
Name a famous rally.
Nuremberg Rally- 1934
Other than propoganda- how else did the Nazi’s influence germans?
Use of Censorship
By what methods did the Nazi party enact censorship?
Book Burning (religious and political texts and text books), Desecration of Art, Burning Newspapers and Magazines and Banning of Jazz and associated dancing.
How many books were burnt in 1933?
20, 000 books burnt of Jewish and Communist links
How many newspapers/magasins were burnt in 1938?
10, 000
How many text books were burnt bu 1938?
2, 500
When Hitler came to power how many people were unemployed?
6 Million people unemplyed
How many people were unemployed by 1939?
302, 000
What was invisible unemployment?
The hiding of unemployment by not counting groups in statistics.
When did Jews lose their citizenship and what sis this mean?
Lost citizenship in 1935 and no longer counted in unemployment statistics.
How did women reduce unemployment?
Women were no longer counted in statistics?
How did the Nazi’s incentivise emplyment?
Threat of going to a concentration camp if one didn’t work, gifts of Holiday camps, theatre trips and cars?
How did the Nazi’s creat jobs?
Greater number of factories making weapons, National Labour Service (RAD) would build roads or plant forests.
How did the Nazi’s keep people in employment?
Use of the German Labour front meant that one could not be sacked but also could not resign without government permission.
What could women do before the Nazi’s gained power?
Women could vote, female Reichstag members, have good careers, drink or smoke and go out on their own.
When was the Law for Encouragement of Marriage?
What was the Law for Encouragement of Marriage?
Divorce was legal if you were infertile. Lebensborn scheme- women could have children with SS men ‘Donate a baby to the Fuhrer’.
How were women rewarded in families?
Medals awarded to women who had particularly large families on Hitler’s mothers birthday.
How were women discouraged from working?
3k’s ideology- Kinder (Children), Kuche (Kitchen), Kirche (Church). This would open jobs to men.
How were women meant to look/ appear?
One should be clean and healthy. Not wear makeup, trousers of high heels, couldn’t style or die their hair and certainly they couldn’t diet.
What did all teachers have to do?
Swear an oath to the Fuhrer
How did Nazi ideology enter the classroom?
Textbooks rewritten- Mein Kampf a core text,
Lessons start with a salute to Hitler,
Teachings that Germany was surrounded by hostile countries and communism was evil.
How was the curriculum changed by the Nazi Party?
15% of the curriculum was P.E. Boys were taught military skills while girls were taught of home making and mothering. Taught to not marry Jews.
How did the Nazi’s influence the youth outsiude of school?
Hitler Youth and the League of Young Maidens
What was the Hitler Youth?
14-18 year olds compulsory group focused on Nazi ideas, athletics, hiking, camping and military skills. General training so that they could be part of Hitler’s army later in life.
What was the League of Young Maidens?
4-18 year olds compulsory group focused on motherly, marriage and domestic skills.
What was the SA boycott?
!933- boycott of Jewish businesses. A new law excluded Jews from government. Jewish texts burnt.
What were The Nuremberg Laws?
1935- a series of laws against jews. Lost citizenship, right to vote and sex or marriage to Germans was illegal.
When were Jewish identity cards introduced?
1938- with their printed middle names
What was Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass)?
Setting fire to of synagogues, Jewish shops destroyed. 98 Jews killed and 20, 000 sent to concentration camps. Beginning of the Holocaust.
What caused Kristallnacht?
The Killing of a German official in Paris by a Polish Jew.