Key Question 1: Weimar Germany Flashcards
What happened to the kaiser at the end of the war?
He abdicated
A country without monarchy is a?
Where does the German government move from?
Where does the German government move to?
Why does the German government move?
It was too dangerous in Berlin due to civil unrest caused by the Treaty of Versailles.
What is the German government called between 1919-1933?
The Weimar Republic
What were the main laws of the Weimar constitution?
- Democracy
- Elected Presidency
- Article 48
What was Article 48?
A law which enabled the German president to pass law without a vote.
What was the Treaty of Versailles?
The USA, France and Britain’s punishment of Germany post World War One.
When was the Treaty of Versailles?
What were some of the military terms decided in the Treaty of Versailles?
- Military limit of 100, 000 men
- No Aircraft or Tanks
- Only small naval vessels
- No submarines
What were some of the territorial terms decided in the Treaty of Versailles?
- All colonies to be given to the allies.
- Alsace-Lorraine to be returned to the French
- No union with Austria
What were some of the economic terms decided in the Treaty of Versailles?
- Reparations of £6, 600 million
- Coal, Sheep and Cattle to be given to the French
What was the nickname given to German politicians who signed the Treaty of Versailles?
The November Criminals
When was the Spartacist Uprising?
January 1919
Who was involved in the Spartacist Uprising?
Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg and the Communist Party.
Why was there the Spartacist Uprising?
The aim to overthrow the current government because of a support of communism.
What was involved in the Spartacist Uprising?
The communists attempted a revolution however the army quickly arrested and killed those involved. Luxemburg and Liebknecht were killed in police custody.
When was the Kapp Putsch?
March 1920
Who was involved in the Kapp Putsch?
Wolfgang Kapp (a journalist), General Luttwitz and a group of Freikorps.
Why was there the Kapp Putsch?
There was great hatred of the current government stemmed from the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.
What was involved in the Kapp Putsch?
They stormed Berlin and established a new government with Kapp as the chancellor. There was a workers strike and Kapp had to stand down.
When was the Munich Putsch?
November 1923
Who was involved in the Munich Putsch?
Hitler and 600 Stormtroopers.
Why was there the Munich Putsch?
General anger towards the Treaty of Versailles and specifically at paying reparations.
What was involved in the Munich Putsch?
The group stormed a meeting of the Bavarian Prime Minister in Munich and heralded Hitler to take control. The army and Police interrupted the operation and arrested and incarcerated Hitler.
What caused Hyperinflation?
The Weimar government printing money to pay reparations devaluing the currency.
When was Gustav Stresemann in government?
Who was Gustav Stresemann?
Chancellor of Germany in 1923 and then foreign minister from 1923-1929.
What currency did stresemann introduce and when?
Rentenmark by 1923
What was The Dawes Plan?
The lending by the USA of 800 million gold marks to pay reparations.
What was Germany admitted to?
The League of Nations enabling peaceful democracy with surrounding nations.
What was the Young Plan?
A plan in 1929 to reduce reparations to be paid by Germany.