Key Poses Of Yoga Flashcards
Greater mobility =
lesser the stability
Synergist muscles aid
Antagonist’s muscles oppose
capsule and ligaments surrounding the joints
What do capsuloligamentous do?
fasten bones to one another also contribute to determining joint mobility and stability
What are the muscular stabilizers?
Muscles that surround the joint
___ muscles limit joint mobility
___ muscles increase joint mobility
What does stretching do?
lengthens muscular stabilizers of a specific joint
allow for a greater range of motion of that joint
How can muscular stabilizers be safely affected?
By practicing yoga
Limitations to perform a given yoga post can result from:
Muscles contractive state
Length and/or tightness of the capsuloligamentous
Bone shape
Or combo from above
What does stretching a muscle do?
moves the origin and insertion farther apart
How can muscles be stretched?
fixing their skeletal origin in place and moving the insertion or vice versa
___ tissues lengthen with consistent practice
Connective Tissues
Contractile elements are under the control of the
central nervous system
Contractile elements also know as
Musculoskeletal biomechanics are under
our conscious control
spinal cord reflex arcs
regulate the tension and length of skeletal muscle contractile elements
What are the 3 major spinal cord reflexes?
1) muscle spindle
2) reciprocal inhibition
3) golgi tendon organ
Stretching triggers the release of what factors?
What are the (3) methods of stretching?
What is Ballistic Stretching?
jumping type actions to stretch target muscle groups
resetting muscle length to that attained in previous practice
What is Passive Stretching?
- involves the use of body weight, gravity, synergist/agonist muscles groups to create a stretch
- body holds for loner positions allow stretch receptors to aclimate
- lengthens the noncontractual elements of the muscle (fascial sheath)
What is Facilitated Stretching?
- briefly contracting the muscle targeted for stretch
- action stimulates the golgi tendon organ stretch receptor spinal cord signaling the muscle to relax
- the slack is then taken up by deepening the stretch
What is an example of Ballistic Stretching?
Vinyassa Flow or Sun Salutations
What is Facilitated Stretching also know as?
PNF - proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation