key people Flashcards
joseph marie jacquard
created first automated loom which was programmed using punch cards, this was the first atomization of the division of labour
alan turing
a pioneering British computer scientist
mathematician, logician
imagined a conceptual machine that could be configured to be in a number of different states, like that of a typewriter. like a type writer
but his machine could be configured into an infinite number of states with that configuration. any mathematical question could be solved.
cracked nazi enigma code with a machine called the Bombe - located german u boats
charles babbage
a mathematician
wanted to automize the management of labour
difference engine - production efficiency of math tables
analytical engine - had it been completed, would have been programmable, and able to calculate any formula, and to compare numbers and decide how to proceed with the operation it was performing
george boole
used algebraic methods to logic, thus allowing logical relations to be calculated in a mathematical manner
he thought this algebraic logic worked used only two numerical values, 1 and 0
his logic contributed to
- the digital computer
- the development of the binary switching systems for telephone switch boards before WW2
ada lovelace
first programmer
worked on analytical engine with charles babbage
charles babbage’s protoge
Norbert wiener
the developer of the concept of cybernetics
Claude Shannon
electrical eng
created information theory - coding of information in the form of sequences of symbols, impulses, etc. and how rapidly this information can be transmitted.
communication requires certain things
- sender
- message
- receiver
- decoding device
Gottfried leibniz
dream of a perfect, logical language, involving the use of numbers to represent concepts
his intentions to formalize thought in a logical system clearly anticipates both the development of programming languages and of AI
- worked on difference engine
H.G wells
english writer
idea of a permanent world encyclopedia - the world brain.
technologies of reproduction were a means of overcoming difference and conflict though shared knowledge
Ferdinand de Saussure
studied semiology
- semiology is the study of signs and their arbitrariness due to lack of context
for Saussure, the sign itself is arbitrary, and meaning is found in language in the difference between signs, not in any positive terms
signs let to the development of increasingly sophisticated information and communication technologies
war required advanced command and control communications
developed a more practical system involving sending combinations of short and long signals to represent letters of the alphabet
developed an intricate code involving sending short signals for numbers, which could then be looked up in a codebook ‘
Vannevar bush
bush proposed what he called a permanent word encyclopedia, involving the ‘collection indexing \, summarizing and release of knowledge - the memex
planned to realize this idea in the newly developing field of micro photography
precursor to hypertext
dr lev manovich
one of the leading theorists of digital culture worldwide, and a pioneer in application of data science for analysis of contemporary culture
jay forrester
the person who created the whirlwind computer system. the computer that ran the sage early warning system was one of the main proponents of cybernetic thinking