Key Opponents of the Tsar (recap) Flashcards
When did the SR’s start?
What was the ideology of Social Revolutionaries?
- Agrarian socialists
- Believed revolution would be driven by its peasantry
- Democratic, socialist state
What were the methods of SR’s?
Terror (assassinations)
What was the role of SR’s?
- involved in 1905 revolution
- supported 1917 revolution
- disagreed partly with Bolsheviks
What does RSDLP stand for?
Russia Social Democratic Labour Party
When did RSDLP start and split?
1898 - 1903
What was the ideology of RSDLP?
- Marxist
- Overthrow of capitalism
- Proletarian revolution
- Socialist society
What does Marxist mean in simple terms?
Marxists are particularly concerned with the struggles of lower and middle class workers, with the conflict between social classes, and with economic inequality.
What is a proletarian revolution?
A proletarian revolution or proletariat revolution is a social revolution in which the working class attempts to overthrow the bourgeoisie.
What does capitalism mean in simple terms?
An economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.
Elaborate on the Bolsheviks
- Lenin
- Were minority at first
- Proletariat more successful in revolution (belief)
What does proletariat mean in simple terms?
Working-class people regarded collectively (often used with reference to Marxism).
Elaborate on the Mensheviks?
- Martov
- Majority at first
- Liberals and intellectuals more successful in revolution (belief)
What was the role of Bolsheviks and Mensheviks?
- major role in 1905 and 1917 revolution
- Bolsheviks seized power in 1917 October revolution, overthrowing Provisional Government and establishing Soviet Rule
When did the Octobrists start?