2.1 The First Revolution and its Impact 1903-14 Flashcards
When did the Russo-Japanese happen?
What was exposed in the Russo-Japanese war? How did the defeat impact the image of the tsarist regime and of Russia?
- Exposed Russian military and administrative weakness
- Russia’s defeat damaged national pride and highlighted the incompetence of the tsarist regime
- Losing to a country such as Japan (considered less advanced at the time) was very humiliating
- People were starting to wonder why they were suffering for a Tsar who couldn’t keep their country safe
- Russia lost credibility and legitimacy and no longer had the trust of its people
How did the Russo-Japanese war affect the people, the military and the economy?
- Exacerbated economic and social unrest due to increased taxation and resource shortages
- Railway usage redirected to war efforts (unemployment, famine…)
- Food shortages, inflation, unemployment, stop in economy
- Military discontent (harsh conditions and poor treatment from superiors), which resulted in the Potemkin Mutiny in the 1905 Revolution
When was Bloody Sunday? (full date)
January 9, 1905
What was Bloody Sunday? (who led it? what was the point of it?)
It was a peaceful protest led by Father Gapon, Winter Palace at Saint Petersburg. It was meant to present a petition for reforms. It was families asking for better living conditions.
What happened during Bloody Sunday? What did Bloody Sunday lead to?
Tsar’s troops fired on protesters, killing many. The Tsar was seen as a culprit. It sparked widespread strikes, protests, and uprisings all across Russia. Tsar knew of the suffering but did not care enough to instill change. A chain of uprisings is part of the 1905 Revolution.
How did Father Grapon fight for the conditions of the workers?
Father Grapon fought for the conditions of the workers. He preached about it. He set up worker tea rooms. He helped organize the Putilov strike.
What were the economic and social grievances?
- Peasants faced land hunger, high taxes, and poverty.
- Industrial workers endured poor working conditions, low wages, and lack of rights.
- National minorities faced repression, Russification policies and lack of autonomy.
- Long-standing social, economic, and political issues failing to be addressed
Elaborate on political discontent.
- Intellectuals and liberals demanded political reforms, including a constitutional government
- Socialists (Mensheviks and Bolsheviks) sought revolutionary change
What was the role of Revolutionary bodies?
St Petersburg Soviet (formed in October 1905) coordinated worker strikes and protests.
What was the short-term impact of the 1905 Revolution?
- Tsar Nicholas II issued the October Manifesto, granting civil liberties and creating Duma.
- Widespread discontent and uprisings were violently suppressed
- The Tsar retained autocratic control through repression and military force
What was the long-term impact of the 1905 Revolution?
- Division within opposition groups weakened revolutionary momentum
- Political discontent persisted, leading to further instability