1.4 Opposition to Tsarism Flashcards
Why was there unrest among peasants and workers?
Peasants faced poverty, high taxes, and land hunger, which created discontent. Workers in urban areas endured low wages, long hours, and unsafe working conditions.
How did the middle class and intellectuals oppose the Tsarist regime?
The middle class sought political reforms and a greater role in the government. Intellectuals criticized the Tsarist regime for its inefficiency and repressive policies.
When were the Social Democrats founded and when did they split?
Founded in 1898 and split in 1903
Who were the Social Democrats?
They were a Marxist party advocating for worker-led revolution.
The Social Democrats were split into two factions. What were they?
- Bolsheviks (led by Lenin)
- Mensheviks
What did the Bolsheviks favor?
They favored tasks to be carried out by the working and peasant class (did not mind using force). They were the minority at first before the Revolution.
Who were the Mensheviks? What kind of approach did they have?
They were the majority at first. The agreed liberals and intellectuals would be more successful. They had a more peaceful approach.
When were the Socialist Revolutionaries founded?
Who were the Socialist Revolutionaries? What did they focus on?
They focused on peasants and agrarian reform. They advocated the use of terrorism and assassinations to overthrow the regime.
When was the liberation movement founded?
What was the liberation movement?
A liberal movement calling for a constitutional monarchy and civil liberties.
What were the reasons for the lack of success of the groups?
There were divisions among groups - the opposition was fragmented with different goals and methods. There was also repression - the Okhrana effectively suppressed opposition through exile, surveillance, arrests, violence, and execution.
What was the impact of these groups?
Despite growing unrest opposition groups were unable to write and pose serious threat to Tsarist rule during this period.