Key individuals/popes Flashcards
Alexander VI
1492-1503 ‘Borgia pope’ applauded burning of reformer Savonarola 1498 due to secular matters, personified abuses (ignored celibacy, nepotist)
Julius II
1503-13 Warrior pope, fought French + when threatened w/ deposition he summoned 5th lateran council 1512 to attract reformers to his side
Leo X
1513-21 not inclined to much reform eg. failed to deal w/ early Lutheranism as afraid of upsetting German princes 1518, occupied w/ politics + indulgence selling in Ger. to fund St Peters Basilica
A little book for Pope Leo 1516
Cisneros (Cardinal Ximenez)
founded new uni at Alcala 1499 + produced new liturgy, funded production of Polyglot bible (1502) -> later banned, helped Inq. edit the Missal (1500) & Breviary (1502)
Grand Inquisitor from 1507 so investigated heresy, emphasised residence + attacked absenteeism
reform limited to Spain where religious purity safeguarded
1509 Praise of Folly questioned literacy of priests, highlighted need for education
Clerical abuses exposed eg. Julius 1508 attacked
Translation of New Testament in Greek (1516), influential views on free will (later clarified w/ Trent)
1504 Enchiridion questioned importance of saints, fasting + indulgences, called for General council
Attacked Lutheran ideas 1524 after initial encouragement of Luther + Zwingli
Guillaume Briconnet
Bishop of Meaux 1515-34, implemented program of reform in his diocese, improve training + discipline