Key Individuals & Commands 7103-7104 Flashcards
Lucian Truscott
Command Missions Author
COHQobserver - saw Dieppe
Picked Darby to start up Rangers
3d Infantry Division - Sicily
VI Corps - Took over at Anzio
Gordon Harrison
Cross-Channel Attack Author
John Hersey
Author A Bell for Adano
ADM Leahy
US JCS Chairman - former CNO brought back after retiring from service, well-connected & liked by FDR
Gen Marshall
Army COS on JCS
Gen Eisenhower -
Involved in Operations Division (former War Plans Division) at the outset of the war
AFHQ CG (North Africa) for Torch
Commanded overall in Italy
Was Commander of ETOUSA
Was also Supreme Allied Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force
(SHAEF = Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force)
ADM Hewitt
Eighth Fleet - USN in Med
Commanded adjacent to Patton for Torch
Commanded for Sicily & Anzio
Mark Clark
FIFTH Army in Italy
(Left Flank moving up the peninsula) adjacent to Montgomery 8th Army
Bernard Montgomery
North Africa
Eighth Army (42-43) - Sicily
21 Army Group OVERLORD
known for being hard to work with and also deliberate/methodical (slow)
GEN Alexander
15th Army Group - Italy - Sicily (over Patton & Montgomery), Salern
Had 1st Brit Div with BEF at Dunkirk - promoted to I Corps
Was in charge during the fall of Burma 1942 and commanded Slim
Fought in North Africa over Montgomery
Gen Patton
North Africa - Western Task Force. Took over II Corps after Kasserine Pass
Sicily - 7th Army - Gaeta, Brolo (end run), race to Messina
Overlord - Phantom Army in England for Operation Fortitude Deception
Third Army for breakout under Twelfth Army Group
Commander of Bomber Command 1942-45
1942 - COHQ (Combined Operations) - amphib ops for Brits
1943 - Served as Supreme Allied Commander SEAC
(sidenote - assassinated by the IRA in 1979)
Member of JCS and CCS
Trained to fly by Wright brothers
US Army Air COS on JCS - Army Air Forces created in 1941
First Sea Lord (on Brit CCS)
Was a battleship commander at Jutland in WWI
Effective with U-Boat campaign
Died in 1943 - replaced by Andrew Browne Cunningham (“ABC”) as First Sea Lord
Hastings Lionel Ismay
British COS (Leahy counterpart)
- “tact, patience, and skill in promoting compromise”
Chief of staff and military advisor to Churchill at the beginning of WWII
Post war became first Secretary General of NATO - “keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.”
Commanded a Divisin, Corps, and Field Army in the war
Pacific Theater - commanded Americal Division relieving 1st MARDIV at Guadalcanal
Took command of XIV Corps and led the close out of Guadalcanal through Feb 1943
Seventh Army - DRAGOON (took Seventh Army from Mark Clark) - commanded Truscott’s VI Corps and Juin’s FEC
Important for his advocacy of Nimitz & assets for the Pacific
Strong counterpart to Marshall
Alan Brooke
Brit Army COS
initially opposed to CCS idea, feared US dominating unified command.
Brit Air COS - Senior Royal Air Force Officer (RAF was independent since late WWI)
Argued for bombing of German cities. Churchill ordered a stop to it after Dresden
Commander of Allied Air Forces in the Pacific - worked for MacArthur in SWPA
Australian General who was commander of Allied Land Forces in SWPA (although by MacArthur’s creation of TF Alamo, which MacArthur directly controlled, Blamey mostly commanded the Australian forces)